Identifying High Risk Abortion Patients

While there is intense controversy regarding how many women experience post-abortion psychological problems, even pro-abortion researchers admit that at least some women are negatively effected. Moreover, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2008 Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion there are at least 15 risk factors that identify the women at greatest risk of psychological problems after an abortion:

  1. terminating a pregnancy that is wanted or meaningful
  2. perceived pressure from others to terminate a pregnancy
  3. perceived opposition to the abortion from partners, family, and/or friends
  4. lack of perceived social support from others
  5. various personality traits (e.g., low self-esteem, a pessimistic outlook, low-perceived control over life)
  6. a history of mental health problems prior to the pregnancy
  7. feelings of stigma
  8. perceived need for secrecy
  9. exposure to antiabortion picketing
  10. use of avoidance and denial coping strategies
  11. Feelings of commitment to the pregnancy
  12. ambivalence about the abortion decision
  13. low perceived ability to cope with the abortion
  14. history of prior abortion
  15. late term abortion

Because the existence of post-abortion trauma is now almost universally accepted, many researchers are now focusing on the factors which may identify which women are at higher risk. From a political viewpoint, researchers who favor abortion on demand are hoping to show that the “few” women who do report negative post-abortion reactions were actually emotionally “unbalanced” prior to the abortion. If this is true, they argue, then it is possible that the abortion itself is not the cause of psychological injury, but instead women who were previously “unbalanced” are unfairly blaming their problems on abortion.

Blaming the Victim

This “politically correct” view of post-abortion trauma includes a kernel of truth surrounded by a lot of “blaming the victim.” It is certainly true that women who are suffering from mental disorders or have previously suffered psychological trauma are more likely to subsequently report more severe negative post-abortion reactions. Indeed, if one thing is clear from post-abortion research over the last forty years, it is that abortion is contraindicated when a woman has mental health problems.

This is true because abortion is always stressful. How well a person copes with this stress depends on the individual’s resiliency and the conditions under which the stress occurs. When a woman’s psychological state is already fragile, the stress of an abortion can more easily overwhelm her. But the fact that she was more vulnerable to stress than others does not mean that the abortion is not the cause of her psychological injuries.Profile Image

If a glass plate and a plastic plate are both dropped, the glass plate is likely to shatter, while the same stress may cause the plastic plate to only crack or chip. In either case, the damage cannot be blamed on the material; it must be blamed on the fall. While the extent of the damage is related to the nature of the material, the fall itself is the direct cause of the damage.

In the same way, while the nature of an individual psyche determines the extent of post-abortion injuries, it is the abortion itself which is the direct cause of these injuries.

This “blame the victim” strategy which is being employed by some pro-abortion researchers is not new. It is identical to the type of reasoning used during World War I when veterans suffering from “shell shock” were diagnosed by military psychiatrists as “malingerers” or even cowards. In an age when fighting for one’s country was romantically idealized as adventurous passage into manhood, this “politically correct” diagnosis was necessary to deflect attention away from the fact that modern warfare was often more traumatic than ennobling. Military officials therefore attempted to suppress reports of psychiatric casualties because accurate reports would have had a demoralizing effect on the public.

In the same way, when pro-abortion researchers are confronted with women who suffer from post-abortion trauma, there is a tendency to blame the woman for being “whiners” or “dysfunctional,” since it is common knowledge in pro-abortion circles that abortion normally “empowers” women. Some pro-abortion researchers even argue that women should not be told of the psychological risks associated with abortion because such “demoralizing” information may make them even more prone to an adverse outcome. It is better, they would claim, to be ignorantly optimistic about the future than informed and worried.

Women At Risk

The comments above are useful for understanding the impetus behind much of the recent efforts of pro-abortion researchers. With this in mind, we can now look at some of the very useful findings which these same researchers have made in the area of cataloging pre-identifying factors which can be used to predict post-abortion psychological sequelae.

The risk factors for post-abortion psychological maladjustments can be divided into two general categories. The first category includes women for whom there exists significant emotional, social, or moral conflicts regarding the contemplated abortion. The second category includes women for whom there are developmental problems, including immaturity, or pre-existing and unresolved psychological problems. Women with characteristics in either or both of these categories would properly be classified as high risk patients.

Conversely, a low risk patient can be described as a woman who has maturely, thoughtfully, and freely arrived at her abortion decision and has no emotional, social, or moral conflicts which challenge that decision.

The following outline summarizes the major risk factors and includes pre-identifying characteristics upon which women can be screened for these risk factors.

Outline of Risk Factors Predictive of Greater Post-abortion Psychological Sequelae with Citations to Authorities


A.  Difficulty making the decision, ambivalence, unresolved doubts1,2,3,10,13,14,18,23,25,29,34,37,38,40,46,49,52,53,55,56,57,61

1.   Moral beliefs against abortion61

a.   Religious or conservative values1,2,5,23,34,39,40,48,49,54,56,58,59

b.   Negative attitudes toward abortion1,8,27,57

c.   Feelings of shame or social stigma attached to abortion2,61

d.   Strong concerns about secrecy50

2.   Conflicting maternal desires1,,29,30,33,34,46,51

a.  Originally wanted or planned pregnancy1,13,23,27,29,53,57,59,61

b.   Abortion of wanted child due to fetal abnormalities3,7,13,18,19,20,26,27,28,41,61

c.   Therapeutic abortion of wanted pregnancy due to maternal health risk3,13,15,18,20,26,27,37,42,49,54,55,61

d.   Strong maternal orientation34,48

e.   Being married1, 10

f.    Prior children25,48,54,58,60

g.   Failure to take contraceptive precautions, which may indicate an ambivalent desire to become pregnant6

h.      Preoccupation with fantasies of fetus, including sex and awareness of due dateh.   Delay in seeking an abortion1,2,26


3.   Second or third trimester abortion1,20,26,27,39,42,49

4.   Low coping expectancy1,27,29,30

B.   Feels pressured or coerced13,16,18,27,34,43,45,48,49,53,51,52,55,61

1.   Feels decision is not her own, or is “her only choice”14,,18

2.   Feels pressured to choose too quickly17,24

C.  Decision is made with biased, inaccurate, or inadequate information17,48,49



A.  Adolescence, emotional immaturity1,4,9,11,15,16,17,27,29,32,33,42,48,50,54

B.   Prior emotional or psychiatric problems3,5,6,13,15,18,20,22,23,25,26,34,37,40,42,47,51,54,57,61,63

1.   Poor use of psychological coping mechanisms2,29,34,61

2.   Prior low self-image33,34,43,48,52,61,63

3.   Poor work pattern or dissatisfied with job6,52

4.   Prior unresolved trauma or unresolved grief48,51

5.   A history of sexual abuse or sexual assault.23,31,51,61

6.   Blames pregnancy on her own character flaws, rather than on chance, others, or on correctable mistakes in behavior29,30,36

7.   Avoidance and denial prior to abortion12,27

8.   Unsatisfactory or mediocre marital adjustment6

9.   Past negative relationship with mother5,40

C.  Lack of social support1,9,27,33,46,54,55,56,58,61,62, 63

1.   Few friends, unsatisfactory interpersonal relations6,52

2.   Made decision alone, without assistance from partner35

3.   A poor or unstable relationship with male partner6,25,34,40,43,53

4.   Single and nulliparous9

5.   Separated, divorced, or widowed14, 62

6.   Lack of support from parents and family2,8,9,18,27,29,33,35,52,56

– either to have baby or to have abortion

7.   Lack of support from male partner2,6,8,9,18,25,27,29,33,34,35,42,46,52,53

– either to have baby or to have abortion

8.   Accompanied to abortion by male partner21,30

9.   Living alone56

10. High alienation63

D. Prior abortion(s)13,37,43,48,52,58

E. Prior miscarriage 58

F. Less education 58

The Role of the Male

The attitude of the male partner toward the pregnancy is an important factor in a woman’s abortion decision and is also significantly related to how she will adjust after the abortion. Because numerous studies have found support from the partner to be an important predictor of good post-abortion adjustment, researchers were recently startled by the finding that accompaniment to the abortion by the male partner was actually a predictor of greater post-abortion depression.

This finding suggests that an outward show of support, accompaniment to the abortion clinic, is not an accurate measure of the emotional support a woman feels. Instead, accompaniment by the male partner may actually indicate one or more of the following: 1) greater pre-abortion anxiety which led the woman to insist on accompaniment; 2) overt or subtle coercion on the part of the male who is “making sure” she does the “right thing;” or, 3) a more intimate relationship exists between the partners and this greater intimacy is being stressed by the abortion. In this third scenario, the unplanned pregnancy may be perceived by the woman as a “test” of her partner’s commitment to their relationship. She may privately be willing to have the baby, and seal their mutual commitment, if he takes this as opportunity to demonstrate his commitment. Instead, his lack of enthusiasm for, or hostile reaction to, the pregnancy causes her to doubt the depth and endurance of their relationship.

In short, when a woman is accompanied to an abortion by her male partner, the woman is more likely to be choosing abortion because her partner has manipulated her into doing so, or because he has exposed to her a lack of commitment to their relationship. In neither case does she truly feel supported.


While present research is unable to accurately establish what percentage of women suffer from any specific symptom of post-abortion trauma, it is clear that post-abortion psychological disorders do occur. Indeed, the published literature demonstrates that serious emotional and psychological complications following an abortion are probably more common than serious physical complications.

The present literature has also successfully identified statistically significant factors which can be used to pre-identify individuals who are most vulnerable to experiencing post-abortion psychological sequelae. Examination of these risk factors suggests that many, if not most women seeking abortion have one or more of these high risk characteristics.

Based on these findings, most of which have been published by researchers who favor legalized abortion, it would appear reasonable to expect, and demand, that abortion providers: 1) provide pre-consent information about the types of psychological reactions which have been linked to a negative abortion experience and the risk factors associated with these adverse reactions; 2) provide adequate pre-abortion screening using the criteria outlined above to identify women who are at higher risk of negative post-abortion reactions; 3) provide individualized counseling to high risk patients which would more fully explain why the patient is at higher risk along with more detailed information concerning possible post-abortion reactions; and 4) assist women who have pre-identifying high risk factors in evaluating and choosing lower risk solutions to their social, economic, and health needs.

Since these high risk factors have been well established for a considerable period of time, abortion providers who fail to utilize this information in their screening and counseling procedures may incur greater liability for subsequent injuries when malpractice suits are brought on these grounds.

Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(3) Fall 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute.

Updated Material

For more updated information on Risk Factors, see:

In 2008, a task force for the American Psychological Association identified the following list of risk factors which are associated with elevated rates of post-abortion psychological problems:

  • terminating a pregnancy that is wanted or meaningful
  • perceived pressure from others to terminate a pregnancy
  • perceived opposition to the abortion from partners, family, and/or friends
  • lack of perceived social support from others
  • various personality traits (e.g., low self-esteem, a pessimistic outlook, low-perceived control over life)
  • a history of mental health problems prior to the pregnancy
  • feelings of stigma
  • perceived need for secrecy
  • exposure to antiabortion picketing
  • use of avoidance and denial coping strategies
  • Feelings of commitment to the pregnancy
  • ambivalence about the abortion decision
  • low perceived ability to cope with the abortion
  • history of prior abortion
  • late term abortion

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Abortion decisions and the duty to screen: clinical, ethical, and legal implications of predictive risk factors of post-abortion maladjustment


5 thoughts on “Identifying High Risk Abortion Patients

  1. So, what on earth is the male partner supposed to do? My girlfriend wants an abortion, when we found out she was pregnant she said my input to the decision is very important so I let her know that I want to keep our baby and that I would support her and the baby completely. She knows I want to raise our child and she feels alone in the decision of abortion. She admits that she will live the rest of her life suffering from this decision and she refuses to speak to anyone about it. So now I’m torn, do I drive her to have the abortion like she wants me to do, or do I leave her on her own because this article says I’ll be adding to her psychological trauma? I want to support her as a human going through something awful alone, but I cannot support the act of killing of my unborn child.

    1. Hi H,

      I’m so sorry I didn’t see your comment to respond earlier. I hope this response will still be of help. It sounds like you are in a tough situation of wanting to support her but also wanting to protect your child. It’s good that you let your girlfriend know you will be there to support her and your baby. Keep letting her know — and showing her in any way you can — that you will do this … if she is feeling scared about the future this might be the thing that will help change her mind.

      Also, go here to read this article for men whose partners are considering abortion for some more information about what to do and how to talk with your girlfriend.

      If she is already struggling with the decision, see if you can persuade her to visit a crisis pregnancy center for help. The counselors at these organizations can offer you other options and provide help and support in addressing whatever issues (financial, school, job, fears about being able to take care of a child, etc) your girlfriend has that makes her feel like she can’t have this child. She may be in a position where having a child just seems completely overwhelming and impossible, and abortion seems like the only possible path she can take. Let her know that she does have other options and that she should get all the facts and information before she makes such a life-altering decision. It may be that, even with your support, she feels like the situation will still be unworkable — knowing that she has other people in her corner who can help and a plan for the future may help.

      I would suggest contacting Option Line for help ASAP, even if your girlfriend isn’t on board yet, just so that you can get some help and advice for yourself. You can visit their site to find a local center or call their national number at 1-800-712-4357 (you can also contact them through a Live Chat or text HELPLINE to 313131.

    2. Hi H. I’m sorry for all that the two of you are facing. It sounds like your girlfriend already knows that doing what her head says (“have an abortion”) will wound her heart with regrets. I would suggest that you encourage her to take the time to get a better sense of how deep that wound will be by reading some of the testimonies of women who have had abortions and been so severely hurt, even traumatized, by that experience.

      You were also right to look at the risk factors and research on psychological problems following abortion. Encourage her to look at her own risk factors. It is likely she will see verification of her fear that she will indeed be at greater risk of regrets.

      Obviously, you are already telling her to be optimistic and to trust that the two of you can indeed make room in your lives for this child. Remind her that while many people regret their abortions, very few regret giving birth to their unplanned children. In fact, most end up being grateful for the wonderful surprise gift of their children.

      Regarding your moral quandary about participating in an abortion, if she insists on getting one, here is my suggestion. You are right that your own moral dignity binds you to not actively participate in helping her to get an abortion. Your moral obligation is to encourage and support her in choosing to protect and nourish your child.

      That said, while you should not pay for an abortion or take her to the abortion clinic, there would be no moral problem with you picking her up at the clinic afterward. In fact, doing so would make clear that while you cannot in good conscience condone or participate in the abortion of your child, you can and will love and support her through the recovery process, including a willingness to combine your tears with hers.

      Your opposition to an abortion does not bind you to reject loving her if she goes ahead with this mistake. And it is a mistake. One driven by whatever fears she has that she will lose something (career? family respect? options for the future?) unless she has an abortion. Here is an article about how despair (the fear of loss) drives people to abortions which actually violate their own conscience.

      You are all in our prayers.

    1. I’m not certain I understand your question. Acting against ones religious beliefs in having an abortion is predictive of a greater risk of more severe negative reactions to an abortion. At the same time, an effort to embrace religious belief regarding forgiveness can help in the resolution and relief of negative feelings, such as guilt.

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