Your Help is Needed to Document the Pain

Your Help is Needed to Document the Pain

Two academic research groups, The Association for Interdisciplinary Research and the Elliot Institute for Social Sciences Research, have organized a national project to collect case studies documenting the negative impact of abortion on women, men, and relatives. The goal of this project is to collect tens of thousands of testimonies from people who have suffered emotionally or physically from their abortion experiences. All pro-lifers are being asked to help to distribute this case study form throughout their communities.

Most pro-lifers are now aware of Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS) and the destructive effects it has had on the lives of the women and men who have aborted their children. But widespread recognition of this problem is being hampered by the overwhelming pro-abortion bias which exists in the media and academic world.

While public health officials and scholars do not deny that some women are severely hurt, physically and psychologically, by abortion, they insist that very few women suffer such problems. These “experts'” opinions carry extraordinary weight in the media, the legislatures, and the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office. One result is that proper funding for PAS research is being stifled on the grounds that it is unnecessary. More importantly, there are absolutely no government programs to aid women and men in post-abortion recovery.

The only way to convince indifferent bureaucrats, biased journalists, and hostile academics of the reality of PAS is for pro-lifers to work together to document PAS in such an impressive way that its reality can no longer be denied. As just one part of this effort, we are seeking to collect literally tens of thousands of case studies. These case studies will then be made available to any and all pro-life groups for presentation to their state and federal legislators.

At this time, we have already collected over 1,300 pages of testimonies. These are available to researchers for qualitative analysis, or organizations who would like to use it for their educational or lobbying efforts. Believe me, these testimonies make an impressive thump when dropped on the desk of a legislator or editor who doesn’t believe women are negatively effected by abortion. Reading a few of these testimonies may not be enough to convert an intransigent “pro-choicer,” but they will definitely soften them up and convince them that at least some women are being forced into unwanted abortions. Call or write for details if your organization wants to order a set.

It should be understood that this particular project is not a statistical study. It is intended only to accumulate an impressive number of personal testimonies to demonstrate that the reported problems are not limited to a few isolated cases.

As an individual, you and the organizations to which you belong can help. All you need to do is to make copies of the enclosed “A Abortion Case Study Project” form and distribute it as widely as possible. There are literally dozens of ways you can help spread this pro-life work.

For example, make up packets or folders with 10 to 30 of these forms in each packet, write or attach a sign reading: “If you know anyone who has had an abortion, PLEASE TAKE ONE.” Do NOT ask “if you have had an abortion, take one” but rather “if you know anyone who has had an abortion.” The latter phrase is more inviting and far less threatening.

Now put your packets in churches, doctors’ offices, dentists’ waiting rooms, pharmacies, hair salons, or any cooperative place of business. Pro-life supporters will be glad to help. And if you don’t know a proprietor’s views on abortion, simply explain to them that you are helping out on a research project on post-abortion reactions and would like to leave a “survey packet” in their waiting room. You will be surprised how many people want to be supportive of research of any kind, no matter what their own personal feelings are about abortion.

Another excellent spot for posting your research packets is on public bulletin boards such as those at universities, government offices, laundromats, and many grocery stores. You may find that the packets get torn down within a few days, but our experience has shown that several forms will be returned if it is up for even a short time.

If your organization does mailings, you can reprint this article and the form in your newsletters, or add it as an insert in your mailings. Keep copies at your local crisis pregnancy centers or post-abortion counseling groups.

If you have access to Christian radio and television stations, ask them to do a news spot on post-abortion trauma, and finish by asking people to write the station for a copy of the case study form.

Which brings us to one very important point, the Elliot Institute is available only as a central collection point for this project. Please do NOT ask women to contact the Elliot Institute with requests for copies of the form. The Institute does not have the personnel to answer such requests.

This project is financially viable only if individuals and organizations around the country donate their own time and copying machines for this work. Conversely, while the results will be gathered at the Elliot Institute, they will not belong to the Institute. They will belong to everyone and be available to everyone.

How many testimonies can we gather? 5,000? 10,000? 30,000? 150,000? You can make a difference by distributing just 200 copies of this form. Together we can build a mountain of testimonies that even the pro-abortion media can’t ignore. Please help.

David C. Reardon

Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(2) Spring 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute

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