Elliot Institute’s 1992 Year-End Report
Elliot Institute’s 1992 Year-End Report
The last year, which has also been our first year as a full time enterprise, has been a busy one. Most of you have heard only my appeals for money. Now it is my obligation, and pleasure, to try to explain to you what the Elliot Institute has done with your contributions during this past year.
When preparing an outline for this, our first newsletter, I had planned on giving you descriptions of many new projects which we hope we will be able to undertake in 1993. We had also planned on including in this newsletter one of the fourteen articles I wrote this last year, a testimony from a victim of abortion telling how her abortion affected her, a review of a pro-life book, and an answer to my most asked question: “Who or what is the Elliot in your Institute’s name?” But, after simply trying to catch you up on what has happened in 1992, I ran out of room!
Time permitting, we will be making this newsletter a quarterly event and can include these features in the Spring issue. Until then, you will just have to live with the suspense.
— David C. Reardon
Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(1) Winter 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute