Abortion More Traumatic Than Are Other Stressful Experiences

New Study Links Abortion to Wide Range of Mental Health Disorders

Springfield, IL (December 11, 2008) — A new study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that women who have abortions are at higher risk for various mental health disorders.[1]

The study, led by Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State University, used data drawn from a nationally representative survey of mental health conducted by the University of Michigan. A subsample of 5,877 women were asked about their abortion history, stressful life experiences and other potential risk factors for various mental health disorders.

Researchers studied 15 different mental health problems that included anxiety disorders (panic disorder, panic attacks, agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress disorder), mood disorders (bipolar disorder, mania and major depression) and substance abuse disorders (alcohol and drug use and dependence).

The researchers wrote that, according to their findings, “For every disorder, the abortion group had a higher frequency that was statistically significant.” After removing other factors, they found that abortion “made a significant contribution” for 12 out of the 15 disorders studied. Only mania and drug and alcohol use without addiction were not significantly associated with abortion.

Overall, mental disorders among women who had abortions were 17 percent higher than among women who did not have abortions. When researchers looked at specific disorders, the increased rate among women who had abortions ranged from 44 percent higher for panic attacks and 167 percent higher for bipolar disorder.

Abortion Increases Risks More Than Other Traumas

Women who had abortions were also more likely to report a history of sexual abuse and to have experienced stressful events in adulthood, such as miscarriage, physical violence or being in a life-threatening accident. The researchers noted that women who experience domestic violence are more likely to abort compared to women who are not in violent situations.

But the researchers also found that abortion was more likely to cause mental health problems among women than was a history of other traumas such as childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical violence or neglect.

“What is most notable is that abortion contributed significant independent effects to numerous mental health problems above and beyond a variety of other traumatizing and stressful life experiences,” they wrote.

Abortion advocates and some researchers have argued that the increase in mental health problems among women who have abortions is caused by previous traumas or pre-existing mental health problems among women who abort. This study found otherwise, as did the findings of a 2005 New Zealand study which found that, even after controlling for existing mental health problems, women who aborted were more likely to later experience depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts.[2]

More Evidence of Abortion Trauma

Previous research has linked abortion to an increase in mental health problems such as suicide, depression, substance abuse, anxiety, sleep disorders, symptoms of post-traumatic stress and other problems. But this is the first study to identify links between abortion and agoraphobia, panic attacks and panic disorders.

The findings are especially worrisome in the light of other research and anecdotal evidence suggesting that many women and teens have unwanted abortions due to pressure, disinformation, lack of support, coercion or violence. According to one survey, 64 percent of American women undergoing abortions said they felt pressured to do so by others, while more than 80 percent reported they did not receive adequate counseling beforehand and more than half said they felt rushed or uncertain before the abortion.[3]

Further, another survey found that 95 percent of women said they wanted to be informed of all the risks before undergoing an elective procedure such as abortion.[4] Unfortunately, much pre-abortion counseling-when it is offered-gives women and their partners or families deceptive or inadequate information in order to reassure or sell them on abortion, rather than helping the woman find the best solution for her and her unborn baby.

This study adds more evidence to the need for meaningful help and alternatives to abortion, as well as a mechanism to hold abortion businesses liable for failing to screen for coercion and other known factors that put women and teens at risk for mental health disorders after abortion.

To view the Elliot Institute’s model bill holding abortionists liable for failing to screen for coercion and psychological risk factors before abortion, visit www.stopforcedabortions.com.


1. Coleman, PK et. al., “Induced abortion and anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders: Isolating the effects of abortion in the national comorbidity survey,” Journal of Psychiatric Research (2008), doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2008.10.009.   See also the Corrigendum to “Induced abortion and anxiety, mood, and substance abuse disorders: Isolating the effects of abortion in the national comorbidity survey” [Journal of Psychiatric Research 2009;43:770–776] which presents the tables corrected for revised weighting factors.

2. Fergusson, DM et. al., “Abortion in young women and subsequent mental health,” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2006) 47(1): 16-24.

3. Rue, VM et. al., “Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women,” Medical Science Monitor (2004) 10(10): SR5-16.

4. Coleman, PK et. al., “Women’s preferences for information and complication seriousness ratings related to elective medical procedures,” Journal of Medical Ethics, 32:435-438 (2006).

3 thoughts on “Abortion More Traumatic Than Are Other Stressful Experiences

  1. But the researchers also found that abortion was more likely to cause mental health problems among women than was a history of other traumas such as childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical violence or neglect.
    I would like to see your evidence on the above. I do not believe in the legalisation of abortion for any and every reason but it beggars belief that abortion in a well counselled adult is more traumatic than childhood sexual abuse and rape. You seem to be justifying the man who abuses a child or rapes a woman and rather judging and demonizing the victim – very sad.

    1. Regarding the researchers findings, please see their discussion and Table 3 of their study, including their supplement which provides updated tables which can be downloaded in a Word document.

      Regarding your concern about women made pregnant by rape or incest-rape, please consider the evidence from over 200 women who have been in that situation as reported in Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions and Children Resulting From Sexual Assault.

      We would never take the side of rapists and abusers. It is unkind of you to suggest that there is anything we have written which does. In this article, all we are reporting is that the research cited above found that abortion was statistically correlated to higher rates of specific psychological problems than exposure to rape. It is impossible to add up the sum of human misery associated with any set of experiences. We are simply reporting what the researchers said about the statistics. And the statistics suggest that abortion, at least for some women, is associated with higher rates of specific mental health issues than rape. It could be that rape is associated more strongly with other mental health issues.

      1. I have gone over the material you sent and it is enlightening. I agree that the true situation in pregnancies following sexual assault is not as straightforward as one would assume and we need to hear from the victims.
        I am happy to hear that you are not excusing the abusers and do apologise for suggesting otherwise.
        In my humble opinion in the case of the person raped by her stepfather at 12 and then forced to have an abortion is a very complex case that goes beyond abortion. I can hear the pain of betrayal by her mother in her comments. May God heal her.

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