Year: 2011

Abortion and Sexual Abuse: One Woman’s Story

Note: This story is reprinted from the book Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions and Children Resulting From Sexual Assault. When I was about 13, my stepfather started molesting me. It continued until I came forward with it when I was 16. At age 15, I became pregnant. No one knew but […]

Abortion Won’t Help Trafficking Victims

Human Trafficking Expert Says Pro-Abortion Ideology Could Be “A Death Sentence” The U.S. House of Representatives held a hearing Dec. 1 on a decision by the Obama administration to deny funding to a Catholic Church-run program to help trafficking victims, on the grounds that the program doesn’t refer victims for abortion or “family planning.” Numerous […]

Abortion and Mental Health Deniers’ Attack and Distract Strategy

Ad Hominem Attacks, Guilt by Association, Shifting Standards, Avoiding Simple Truths A Commentary by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. The abortion and mental health controversy shifted into high gear following the recent publication in The British Journal of Psychiatry of a meta-analysis review that combined results of 22 studies and reported that women who have abortions are 81 […]

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