Author : EI

FDA Failed to Protect Women From Unwanted and Dangerous Abortions: Elliot Institute Amicus Brief

2/29/2024 The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of the abortion drug, mifepristone, negligently exposed millions of women to unwanted, unsafe, and unnecessary abortions, according to an amicus brief filed by the Elliot Institute, Rachel’s Vineyard, and Entering Canaan Ministry. The brief details the Clinton administration’s political goals and social engineering agenda when the president ordered for the FDA to bring the […]

Psychiatric Treatments Rise After Abortion, New Study

Washington, DC (11/10/2023)—Women exposed to abortion of a first pregnancy face elevated rates of subsequent psychiatric admissions, and longer hospitalization, than women who carry a first pregnancy to term, according to a new peer reviewed study published in the International Journal of Women’s Health. Figure 1: Average rate of psychiatric inpatient admissions per patient per year, prior […]

Most Abortion Choices Violate Women’s Own Preferences, New Study Examines Harms When Abortion is Not Freely Chosen

Washington, DC (May 11, 2023) — The assumption that abortions only occur when women freely want them has been overturned by a new study interviewing a national sample of 1000 women 41 to 45 years of age.  Of women with a history of abortion, only 33% described their abortions as a “wanted and consistent with my values and preferences.”  […]

Unwanted Abortion Are Common and Strongly Linked to Subsequent Mental Health Decline, New Study

Gulf Breeze, FL (Feb. 1, 2023) — Women who feel pressured to have abortions blame their abortions for a decline in their mental health, according to a new peer reviewed study. They were also more likely to say their abortions led to frequent feelings of grief, loss, and disruption of their lives and relationships. “Over 60% of women who […]

Abortion Linked to More Deaths than Coffee

Recent mainstream media headlines  trumpeted the findings of a single new study revealing that adults who drank moderate amounts of coffee were 30% less likely to die during the period studied than those who didn’t drink coffee. But where are the headlines about the 11 studies showing that abortion is linked to a 50% increased risk of a woman’s […]

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