Author : EI

Only a Minority of Abortions Are for Unwanted Pregnancies, New Study

by David C. Reardon April 15, 2021. A major abortion advocacy group has recently found that only 42% of aborting women described their pregnancies as unwanted.1 Unexpectedly, 38% described their pregnancies as wanted or wanted but mistimed.  The remaining 19% were unsure how to describe the wantedness of their pregnancies, indicating ambivalence or at least some attachment to […]

Post-Abortion Awareness Survey

Below are the results of a 2008 nationwide opinion poll using a random sample of residential phone numbers. The poll was conducted using an automated phone script, which is reproduced in full, below. The 95% confidence limits for this poll areĀ  +/- 4%. Script & Results Hello, we are taking a nationwide opinion poll regarding […]

20% of Abortions are Unwanted and Especially Harmful to Mental Health: New National Study

(Nov 19, 2019) — Abortion significantly contributes to suicidal ideation, mood disorders and substance abuse, according to a new study published this week. The negative effects are especially prevalent among the one in five women who reported wanting a child shortly before their abortions. In 2008, the American Psychological Association’s Task Force on Abortion and […]

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