Author : EI

Testimonies About an Experience with Abortion

This is a collection of abortion testimonies written by women and men in their own words. They describe the factors going into their decisions, their personal experience with abortion, and how it affected their lives. While not all women regret their abortions, these abortion stories reveal that many do. There are several risk factors identifying […]

Tales From an Insider: How The APA Denied Abortion’s Mental Health Risks

by Rachel M. MacNair, Ph.D, August 15, 2008 Rachel MaNcair is the President of Division 48, Peace Psychology, of the American Psychological Association, and Director of Institute for Integrated Social Analysis, research arm of Consistent Life. Reprinted with permission. We have known for a long time that the word “choice” in the abortion debate doesn’t mean […]

Anticipating Abortion Risks to Mental Health

The decision to have an abortion can be difficult.  The potential risks and benefits of abortion should be carefully evaluated. These risks will vary widely between different people and in different circumstances. Unfortunately, as many as 62% of women thinking about abortion feel pressured by other people to undergo an abortion regardless of its risks. […]

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