
Indiana Abortionists Accused of Failing to Report Sexual Abuse for Girls As Young as 12

6/25/2018 Nearly 50 consumer complaints have been filed against nine Indiana abortionists for performing abortions on sexual abuse victims as young as 12 and failing to report those cases to authorities: Nine abortion practitioners in the state of Indiana have been caught failing to report child sex abuse in cases where they did abortions on […]

In Incest Case, Abortionist’s Only Solution Is to Offer Abortion

5/12/2017 Women Who’ve Been There Say Abortion Doesn’t Help, Causes More Harm The New York Times recently ran a profile in their op-ed section on Willie Parker, an abortionist who recently published a book on his work and who claims to perform abortions as a result of his “Christian” beliefs. The article ends with a […]

My Rape Pregnancy and My Furor Over Social Myths

11/8/12 By Deana Schroeder Note: The following is a guest post from a member of the Ad Hoc Committee of Women Pregnant By Sexual Assault (WPSA). I’ve been there. Not Todd Akin.  Not Richard Mourdock.  And certainly not their critics who sanctimoniously imagine that they know what pregnant sexual assault victims really want and need. As […]

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