
My Rape Pregnancy and My Furor Over Social Myths

11/8/12 By Deana Schroeder Note: The following is a guest post from a member of the Ad Hoc Committee of Women Pregnant By Sexual Assault (WPSA). I’ve been there. Not Todd Akin.  Not Richard Mourdock.  And certainly not their critics who sanctimoniously imagine that they know what pregnant sexual assault victims really want and need. As […]

The Despicable “God Intends Rape” Comments

By David C. Reardon The accusations that Indiana U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock believes “God intends pregnancies resulting from rape” reveal a despicable attitude toward justice and truth. But even worse, the commentary and debate taking place about rape pregnancies is profoundly hurtful to both women who became pregnant through rape and their children. While the comments may […]

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