
The Truth About “Back Alley” Abortions

With the arrest of Dr. Kermit Gossnell and his associates for running an abortion “house of horrors” in Philadelphia, and legislative proposals to strip Planned Parenthood of government funding at the state and federal levels, abortion advocates are falling back on the claim that any effort to regulate the abortion industry will lead to the […]

New Research Allows States to Regulate or Ban First Trimester Abortions

Springfield, IL (July 26, 2004) — A recently published law review article suggests that a ban on abortion, even in the first trimester, may now be allowed under the legal standards established in the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v Wade decision. The team of authors, including medical researchers, physicians, and an attorney, argue that this […]

Focusing on Hope

Focusing on Hope How Emphasizing Falling Abortion Rates Enhances Pro-Life Educational Efforts Rachel M. MacNair, Ph.D. Is it just a coincidence that abortion rates have been on the decline during the same period of time that there has been increasing public awareness of post-abortion trauma? Or are the millions of women who have had abortions, […]

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