
The Morning After Abortion Pill Act

The Morning After Abortion Pill Act In order to expose the truth about the “morning after pill,” I would encourage state and federal legislators to consider a consumer protection law that would ensure that women receiving a prescription for “emergency contraceptives” are provided with a “plain language” explanation of how this hormonal therapy works. Before […]

The Right to Full Disclosure Referendum

The Right to Full Disclosure Act — a voter initiated referendum to amend a state constitution “Women have a civil right to full disclosure of all risks, alternatives, or other information which a patient might reasonably consider relevant to a decision to refuse a recommendation for abortion. The State may not limit a woman’s right […]

Important Basic Facts and Figures

The Protection from High Risk and Coerced Abortion Act – Summary of Nine Major Points – This bill will protect women from undergoing unwanted or contraindicated abortions. It will save the lives of their wanted children and save these women from an surgical operation that, at least in their unique high risk situation, is more […]

Should Abortionists Be Excluded From Tort Reform?

Should Abortionists Be Excluded From Tort Reform? The argument will be made that Republicans are the champions of tort reform but here we are trying to broaden an area of the law to encourage more law suits. To address this issue we must try to clarify the reasons given for tort reform and explain either […]

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