
Population Controllers to Give Dangerous Drug to Zambian Women

The Turtle Bay and Beyond blog is reporting on Planned Parenthood’s plan to distribute the dangerous Depo-Provera contraceptive drug to women in Zambia: Despite scientific research finding women using the contraceptive Depo Provera are at higher risk to transmit HIV/AIDS and develop breast cancer, Planned Parenthood plans to widely distribute the injectable to women in […]

Abortion Doesn’t Give Anyone More Freedom or Opportunities

“… [T]his is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.” The president used these words today in a statement affirming Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling allowing abortion that was handed down 41 years ago today. No doubt he wasn’t talking about unborn children, since abortion certainly […]

New “Franchises” Foist Abortion and Sterilization on Poor Women

The Population Research Institute has posted an eye-opening article about the spread of “franchises” using slick marketing tools to sell abortions and sterilizations to women in India and other developing countries: Franchising Abortion and Sterilization: Big Porn, Big Pharma, Big Government and NGOs are partnering to make abortion and sterilization salable in India By Celeste […]

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