
Hope and Healing Matching Grant Fund

Hope and Healing Matching Grant Fund Fund Raising Opportunities and Assistance To raise their portion of the project’s cost, participating organizations are encouraged to undertake one or all three of the following alternatives. Direct Mail Fund Raising Appeal Sample fund raising letters are available from the Elliot Institute in printed form or at www.afterabortion/funds. These […]

Fund Raising Sample 2 – To Fund Hope and Healing Campaign

Sample Fundraising Letter for Hope and Healing #2 Dear Friend, How can we stop the tragedy of unwanted abortions? How can we reach out to the thousands of women and men in our community who are hurting, emotionally and spiritually, because of a past abortion? Studies show that most women choose abortion not because they […]

Sample Grant Proposal for Hope and Healing Distribution

Hope and Healing Distribution Project SAMPLE GRANT PROPOSAL Table of Contents Executive Summary…………… i The Problem ……………………………1 Our Solution………………. 2 Qualification to Participate in Matching Grant Fund ……………………………….3 Benefits……………………… 4 Evaluation …………………………4 Future Plans ………………………………………4 Five Year Budget ………………………..5 Background of Elliot Institute …………………….6 Background of [NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] ……………..7 Tax Exempt Letter [of […]

Remembering Thomas

(The copyright for this article is held by the Washington Post. It originally appeared in The Washington Post, February 3, 1995. It was reprinted with permission in Hope and Healing, but that permission does not extend to publishing on the Internet.) For other articles and testimonies about abortion’s impact on men, visit here.

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