
Why We Must Spread Hope and Healing

Dear Friend: How can we convince people that abortion will make their lives worse, not better? And how can we help those whose lives have already been devastated by abortion? The path will be long and hard, but we have a good start with Hope and Healing. You probably already know that abortion hurts not […]

How to Contact an Editor to Place Hope and Healing

Getting the Supplement into High School How to Place Hope and Healing In College Newspapers Pat Jenkins Most private Christian and Catholic colleges will readily welcome Hope and Healing as a paid advertising insert into their student newspapers. A few may even be willing to insert it at no charge as a service to their […]

Don’t Go It Alone After an Abortion

It’s scary to talk about an abortion experience with others. What if they don’t understand? What if they condemn you, withdraw from you, or start acting weird whenever you’re around? These are all reasonable fears. We have them because it is important for all of us to see and feel that people around us care […]

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