
Half of Abortion Patients’ Suicide Attempts Self-Attributed to Their Abortions, New Study of Random Sample

Pensacola, FL (January 22, 2025) — One-third of abortion patients report having attempted suicide, with 94% reporting that their abortion experiences contributed to that attempt, according to a new peer reviewed study of a national, random sample of women. By the age of 45, fully 35% of women who had a history of abortion reported […]

FDA Failed to Protect Women From Unwanted and Dangerous Abortions: Elliot Institute Amicus Brief

2/29/2024 The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of the abortion drug, mifepristone, negligently exposed millions of women to unwanted, unsafe, and unnecessary abortions, according to an amicus brief filed by the Elliot Institute, Rachel’s Vineyard, and Entering Canaan Ministry. The brief details the Clinton administration’s political goals and social engineering agenda when the president ordered for the FDA to bring the […]

Indiana Abortionists Accused of Failing to Report Sexual Abuse for Girls As Young as 12

6/25/2018 Nearly 50 consumer complaints have been filed against nine Indiana abortionists for performing abortions on sexual abuse victims as young as 12 and failing to report those cases to authorities: Nine abortion practitioners in the state of Indiana have been caught failing to report child sex abuse in cases where they did abortions on […]

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