
New Research Links Abortion and Pregnancy Complications

8/25/15 A new study has found that having a single induced abortion or miscarriage can lead to complications in future pregnancies. The study, published in the Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, examined deliveries for 15,000 women in Tel Aviv who were giving birth for the first time, of whom 1,500 had a previous […]

Tech: Fetal Tissue Taken Without Consent at Planned Parenthood

8/12/15 In a new video released this morning by the Center for Medical Progress, Holly O’Donnell, a former procurement technician for Planned Parenthood partner StemExpress, claims that women undergoing abortions at Planned Parenthood may have had their blood and fetal tissue harvested for sale without their consent. O’Donnell says in the video that technicians were […]

Veteran abortion supporter downplays real danger

From OneNewsNow: A pro-abortion doctor has written a book where he ignores evidence of the harm of abortion. His position conflicts with existing research. Dr. David A. Grimes, who has spent years promoting abortion, argues in a new book that abortion victims do not have psychological complications after terminating the lives of their babies. David […]

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