
New Scientific Review Supports Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer

7/24/2014 Another scientific review of the research on abortion and breast cancer has been published. From the news release by the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer: A scientific review conducted by Angela Lanfranchi, MD and Patrick Fagan, Ph.D. found that support for an abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link exists in current knowledge of breast physiology (as it […]

Abortion Pill Reversal: Helping Women Stop an Abortion

The Denver Catholic Register has an article on abortion pill reversal, including the story of a woman who is pregnant after taking a chemical abortion pill early in her pregnancy: Kim, 32, was frantic when she left the Planned Parenthood clinic in Fort Collins Saturday afternoon. As soon as she took the first dose of […]

Texas Abortionist Sued Over Life Threatening Injuries

Operation Rescue has posted an article and court documents related to a lawsuit filed  against Texas abortionist Douglas Karpen. From the post: Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen, sometimes referred to as the “Gosnell of Texas,” has been sued by a former abortion patient who alleges that he inflicted life-threatening injuries on her during a 23-week abortion […]

Population Controllers to Give Dangerous Drug to Zambian Women

The Turtle Bay and Beyond blog is reporting on Planned Parenthood’s plan to distribute the dangerous Depo-Provera contraceptive drug to women in Zambia: Despite scientific research finding women using the contraceptive Depo Provera are at higher risk to transmit HIV/AIDS and develop breast cancer, Planned Parenthood plans to widely distribute the injectable to women in […]

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