Mental Health Effects

Limitations on Post-Abortion Research: Why We Know So Little

David C. Reardon , Ph.D. While there have been many studies regarding the emotional aftermath of abortion, very little has been firmly established. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to complete a study in this field that would be generally conclusive and above reproach. Among other complications, (1) the cooperation of the study population […]

Give and Take

Notes on the Public and Personal Exchange of Views on the Psychological Effects of Abortion Between Nada Stotland and David Reardon In 1992, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a commentary by psychiatrist Nada Stotland, entitled “The Myth of Abortion Trauma Syndrome.” In her commentary Stotland, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and […]

Nada Stotland Admits Psychological Impact of Abortion

Stotland Moves by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. In 1992, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a commentary by psychiatrist Nada Stotland entitled “The Myth of Abortion Trauma Syndrome.” In her commentary Stotland emphatically insisted that post-abortion trauma “does not exist.” While her arguments for this absolutist position were strained and inconsistent with the […]

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