
Father Plays Key Role in Abortion Decisions

6/10/2015 From the archives: A study published in the International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction found that the relationship between women and their partners and the level of support provided by the father are important factors in whether or not the woman aborts. The study, headed by Prof. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State […]

Veteran abortion supporter downplays real danger

From OneNewsNow: A pro-abortion doctor has written a book where he ignores evidence of the harm of abortion. His position conflicts with existing research. Dr. David A. Grimes, who has spent years promoting abortion, argues in a new book that abortion victims do not have psychological complications after terminating the lives of their babies. David […]

Why We Need Accurate Data on Abortions

John M. Thorp, Jr., and Clark Forsythe write at the Washington Post about the lack of  good data on abortion in the U.S., noting that “women’s health cannot be protected without accurate data:” Abortion advocates in Congress and in state legislatures claim that abortions are “safe.” Yet numerous, long-standing problems at the state and federal […]

Suicides After Abortion Remain High Despite Better Screening Guidelines

12/11/2014 Officials in Finland Concerned About Increased Risk of Suicide After Abortion; Calls for Action in Australia and the U.S. Voluntary guidelines for post-abortion mental health evaluations during the month following an abortion have failed to significantly decrease the rate of suicide after abortion in Finland, according to a new study. Finland adopted the guidelines […]

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