
Researchers Bullied, Silenced at International Conference for Daring to Expose Abortion’s Harm to Women

Researchers Banned From Giving Presentations at International Women’s Conference Months ago, researchers from the American Association of Pro-life Ob/Gyns were invited to give presentations on abortion’s impact on women at the Medical Women’s International Association, held this year in South Korea. But when they arrived in Seoul last week, they found themselves in an extremely […]

Women Who Died From “Lifesaving” Abortions

Christina Dunigan at RealChoice has a post on the anniversary of the death of Erika Peterson, who died while undergoing a legal abortion meant to save her life: Erika Peterson, age 28, died July 23, 1961 during a legal abortion at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California. At this time, abortion was only legal […]

Ideological Bias Risking the Lives of Young Women

6/14/2013 Denise Hummell, M.D. writes at Zenit: Scientific studies from around the world show that younger women, specifically those between the ages of 25 and 39, are increasingly being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer—which has often spread further in the body by the time of diagnosis. A study on cancer rates in Geneva, Switzerland, published in […]

Doctor: Abortion Not A “Viable Treatment Option” to Save Women’s Lives

Tells Legislators That Performing Abortions “Would Entail  Undue and Dangerous Delay” in Providing Life-Saving Care for Women From the testimony of Dr. Anthony Levatino, an ob-gyn who formerly performed abortions and has treated women with high-risk pregnancies, before the Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice on a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks: Before […]

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