
Abortion Linked to More Deaths than Coffee

Recent mainstream media headlines  trumpeted the findings of a single new study revealing that adults who drank moderate amounts of coffee were 30% less likely to die during the period studied than those who didn’t drink coffee. But where are the headlines about the 11 studies showing that abortion is linked to a 50% increased risk of a woman’s […]

Only a Minority of Abortions Are for Unwanted Pregnancies, New Study

by David C. Reardon April 15, 2021. A major abortion advocacy group has recently found that only 42% of aborting women described their pregnancies as unwanted.1 Unexpectedly, 38% described their pregnancies as wanted or wanted but mistimed.  The remaining 19% were unsure how to describe the wantedness of their pregnancies, indicating ambivalence or at least some attachment to […]

Making Abortion Rare, the Chief Justice Roberts Way

Aug. 13, 2020 In 2016, Chief Justice Roberts voted to uphold a Texas law requiring abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges.  But in 2020, he voted to reject an identical statute in Louisiana. Why?  Because his 2016 opinion was overruled by the majority of the Supreme Court.  Even though he still believes the majority erred […]

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