
Released – Testimony

Released Case Study: “Jamie Smith” I grew up in a physically and verbally abusive home. My youngest sister drowned when I was seven years old and my mother blamed me for it. I cooked, cleaned, cared for my siblings, and received daily beatings from my mother. I was told to be quiet, take what was […]

The Search for Meaning – A Testimony

Case Study: “Peggy Brue” I had just graduated from high school and got in with the wrong crowd. There was just so much pressure at that time to be accepted in some kind of social group. I was quite a rebellious teenager and so people that did weird things (drugs, hippies, LSD era) really attracted […]

Never Again – Testimony

Case Study: Terri Hurst My story starts when I was 19. I had just moved out of my parents’ house, and broken up with my boyfriend. I felt so free! I started messing around with anyone and everyone who would take me home for the night. I soon found myself pregnant. Since I was living […]

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