No Medical Evidence Finds Abortion Can Save a Mother’s Life

11/4/16 David C. Reardon In the most recent presidential debate, Hillary Clinton claimed late-term abortions are sometimes necessary to save women’s lives. That’s great rhetoric, but it is not supported by even a single medical study. Before examining the “abortion to save women’s lives” question, it is first important to note that only about 1.2 […]

Telling Your Children About a Past Abortion (Part I)

10/6/16 Theresa Bonopartis, founder of Lumina post-abortion healing ministry, vividly remembers the day that she phoned her doctor for the results of her pregnancy test. She was 18, unmarried, and scared. The doctor’s words confirmed what, despite months of denial, she already knew–she was almost four months pregnant. She and her boyfriend decided to marry. […]

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