It Destroyed My Life: Prenatal Testing and Coerced Abortion

9/2/16 Pressure, Coercion and Other Things That Happen When Expectant Parents Receive A Negative Prenatal Diagnosis When expectant parents are given a negative diagnosis indicating that their unborn child likely has a disability, illness or other health problem, they are thrown into a situation that is unexpected, confusing and terrifying. “Pregnant woman and their partners […]

If You Show Her That You Care …

8/23/16 This post from Béatrice Fedor at the 400 Words for Women blog sums up the  situation in which  so many women and girls find themselves, and the response we need to be offering: If you show her that you care … … she won’t end up thinking that she has to “choose”. We, as […]

“Many women are already living in prison …”

By Theresa Bonopartis I wrote this a few years ago when jail time was a ploy of the pro abortion movement. Just thought I would post it again because of the current controversy with Trump as well as this heartbreaking current story of a twenty-one year old who committed suicide because of abortion. Of course […]

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