It’s Not Wrong If You Are Hurting After Abortion

By Theresa Bonopartis Every month, I get at least 15 new women and men looking for help regarding a past abortion. It is heart breaking to hear the anguish they are going through, but I know there is hope of healing, and so we connect them with people and places that will be able to […]

“Between a Woman and Her Doctor” is Just a Myth

By Theresa Bonopartis Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, when recently questioned about what limits should be placed on abortion, sidestepped the question, repeating the old familiar mantra, “A women’s right to make her own decisions about her body should be between her and her doctor.” I’m accustomed to the deft use of words by pro-abortion extremists […]

Planned Parenthood Study Supports Their Profitable Chemical Abortion Protocol

By Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., NRL Director of Education & Research Editor’s note. This article appeared on in the digital edition of National Right to Life News, “the pro-life newspaper of record.” You can read this story and the issue in its entirety at One of Planned Parenthood’s large affiliates has just published a […]

Abortion vs. Other Pregnancy Losses

From the archives: A new review of studies examining various types of prenatal loss and the effects on subsequent parenting has concluded that abortion may be “particularly damaging to the parenting process.” The article, published in Current Women’s Health Reviews, looked at already published studies on miscarriage, induced abortion and adoption. The author, Priscilla Coleman […]

Father Plays Key Role in Abortion Decisions

6/10/2015 From the archives: A study published in the International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction found that the relationship between women and their partners and the level of support provided by the father are important factors in whether or not the woman aborts. The study, headed by Prof. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State […]

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