Veteran abortion supporter downplays real danger

From OneNewsNow: A pro-abortion doctor has written a book where he ignores evidence of the harm of abortion. His position conflicts with existing research. Dr. David A. Grimes, who has spent years promoting abortion, argues in a new book that abortion victims do not have psychological complications after terminating the lives of their babies. David […]

Expert: Why China Will Not End Coercive Population Control

Today, Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers testified before the Congressional Executive Commission on China about the one-child policy. The policy requires Chinese couples to have a birth permit before having a child, with most being allowed only one child. The enforcement of this policy includes birth quotas, invasive medical examinations for women, and […]

If You Want to Protect Women’s Health, Abortion Isn’t the Answer

At Salon, Valerie Tarico lays out 10 reasons why she is “pro-abortion, not just pro-choice,” writing: I’m pro-abortion because being able to delay and limit childbearing is fundamental to female empowerment and equality. A woman who lacks the means to manage her fertility lacks the means to manage her life. She goes on to write […]

Exposing the Horrors of India’s Sterilization Camps

The Population Research Institute has posted excerpts from a speech that Anne Morse recently gave to the United Nations about the human rights abuses perpetrated in India’s sterilization camps: Last November, 83 women were sterilized in a matter of hours at a sterilization camp in the east Indian state of Chhattisgarh. At least a dozen women […]

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