Suicides After Abortion Remain High Despite Better Screening Guidelines

12/11/2014 Officials in Finland Concerned About Increased Risk of Suicide After Abortion; Calls for Action in Australia and the U.S. Voluntary guidelines for post-abortion mental health evaluations during the month following an abortion have failed to significantly decrease the rate of suicide after abortion in Finland, according to a new study. Finland adopted the guidelines […]

“Nobody Cares” About Black Women Who Die From Abortions

Once again, Christina Dunigan has provided some valuable information in a post at the RealChoice blog. Here she is posting about the disproportionate number of black women who die from abortions — and the lack of concern shown by those who claim that “black lives matter:” Blacks comprise about 13 percent of the US population, […]

Tragic Anniversary: The Death of Karnamaya Mongar

Five years ago this week, Karnamaya Mongar died while undergoing an abortion at Kermit Gosnell’s abortion business in Philadelphia.  Here is her story: At the age of 41, Karnamaya Mongar had survived nearly 20 years in a refugee camp in Nepal. What she was unable to survive was a visit to an American abortion clinic. […]

Volume 21, 2014

Volume 21, Number 1, Winter/Spring 2014 Download Issue (pdf format) Contents: How to Recognize a Cover-Up of the Abortion/Breast Cancer Link New Scientific Review Supports Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer From Back Alley to Main Street Illegal Abortionists Who Became Legal Abortionists (And Killed Women) After Roe The Many Flaws of Judicial Bypass Using […]

14-year-old Pregnant Rape Victim, Prayer Request

From our friends Doug and Angela Grogg: Saturday Morning I received a Google Alert. It was about a 14 year old girl who was raped and is now pregnant. As all of you know this hits close to home with our family. The minute I read the article, I got Doug and we immediately prayed […]

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