Not Much Has Changed With Abortion Today

As a follow up to yesterday’s post on the “septic abortion wards” myth, here is Rebecca Downs at responding to one woman’s story about undergoing an illegal abortion in 1959: Diana Weiner’s story is personal and in many ways does seem “incredibly scary.” The piece fails to distinguish though how an abortion today is […]

Illegal Abortion Myths: “Septic Abortion Wards”

Another illegal abortion myth, debunked by Christina Dunigan at Real Choice: Dr. Doug Laube of Wisconsin is one of the many abortion practitioners who repeats hoary old tales of septic abortion wards. In an interview with Feministe’s Clarisse Thorn, he in fact made a rather outrageous claim that before legalization, not only were there entire wards in […]

They’re Still Trying to Disprove Post-Abortion Trauma Syndrome

10/28/14 By Priscilla Coleman, Ph.D. On October 6th an article titled “Is So-Called Post-Abortion Trauma Syndrome a Myth?,” written by Zawn Villines, appeared on In order to address the question she poses, Villines does not focus on the large international body of peer-reviewed scientific evidence indicating that abortion increases women’s risk of experiencing mental […]

Conscience Leads to More Complete Support for Women in New Zealand

By Cushla Hassan, RN & Joseph Hassan, MBchB A year ago, Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand published Rose Stewart’s challenging ar­ticle, “Conscience ‘not always a force for good’,” giving her perspective on conscience and health care.1 In the article, Stewart expressed her concern that health professionals who invoke their conscientious objection to abortion or contra­ception […]

Legal or Illegal, Women Still Die from Abortion

Real Choice reports today on the death from abortion of 37-year-old Carole Schaner on October 20, 1971, by Dr. Jesse Ketchum: Ketchum was a former criminal abortionist from Ypsilanti, Michigan who had relocated to New York specifically to open an abortion practice [after New York legalized abortion]. He had allowed another abortion patient, Margaret Smith, to bleed […]

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