New Scientific Review Supports Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer

7/24/2014 Another scientific review of the research on abortion and breast cancer has been published. From the news release by the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer: A scientific review conducted by Angela Lanfranchi, MD and Patrick Fagan, Ph.D. found that support for an abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link exists in current knowledge of breast physiology (as it […]

Is Late Term Abortion Ever Necessary?

By Mary L. Davenport, M.D., FACOG The following article was published in 2010 by the American Association of Prolife Ob-Gyns [AAPLOG]. In the aftermath of the killing of George Tiller, the Kansas abortionist, on May 31, 2009, we have heard praises of his compassion and courage in performing late-term abortions. According to NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, […]

Why Legalizing Abortion Worldwide Won’t Save Women’s Lives

3/31/14 By Paul Stark The international abortion advocacy organization Ipas helped convene a meeting this week calling for governments to “repeal laws that criminalize abortion and remove barriers on women’s and girls’ access to safe abortion services,” making “safe, legal abortion universally available, accessible and affordable for all women and girls.” The conference attendees say abortion […]

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