On World Down Syndome Day: Resources and Hope

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Sadly, most unborn children diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted  — often after parents are given poor information and pressured to abort by medical staff. Most people don’t know about the negative impact of such abortions on the parents. Here are some articles on prenatal testing, abortion and the […]

Abortion Pill Reversal: Helping Women Stop an Abortion

The Denver Catholic Register has an article on abortion pill reversal, including the story of a woman who is pregnant after taking a chemical abortion pill early in her pregnancy: Kim, 32, was frantic when she left the Planned Parenthood clinic in Fort Collins Saturday afternoon. As soon as she took the first dose of […]

Texas Abortionist Sued Over Life Threatening Injuries

Operation Rescue has posted an article and court documents related to a lawsuit filed  against Texas abortionist Douglas Karpen. From the post: Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen, sometimes referred to as the “Gosnell of Texas,” has been sued by a former abortion patient who alleges that he inflicted life-threatening injuries on her during a 23-week abortion […]

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