Helping the Elliot Institute
12 Ways You Can Help
1. Pray for Those Hurt by Abortion
Millions of women and men quietly suffer serious emotional and spiritual anguish after an abortion. Many are so filled with grief or despair that they contemplate, attempt, or even complete suicide. Please pray for them. Not just this once, but every day. Make praying for the conversion and healing of those who have been involved in abortion one your daily intentions.
Pray also for the emotional and financial support of the many generous women and men provide post-abortion counseling services. It is very difficult, draining, heart wrenching work. They need your prayers.
Please also pray for the Elliot Institute, our staff, and our families. Pray especially that we will have compassion in all that we do, and the wisdom to see all the opportunities and find all resources the resources we need to accomplish this work.
Finally, consider starting a prayer chain or encouraging others to also pray regularly for the intentions above.
2. Encourage Your Pastor to Foster Post-Abortion Healing
Urge your pastor and other religious leaders in your county to speak out about the harm that abortion does to women, men, and families. Consider giving them The Jericho Plan, a book that outlines a compassionate, unifying way to preach about abortion.
Ask for your pastor’s permission to keep copies of Hope and Healing on the literature table at the back of the your church. Then, make sure copies are always available.
3. Distribute the Hope and Healing Newspaper Insert
Buy a small bundle of Hope and Healing and distribute them to friends or leave them anyplace people might be waiting around and looking for something to read. Make sure they are in the literature rack at the back of your church.
Ask all the pregnancy centers and pro-life groups in your county if they have Hope and Healing in stock and are distributing it from their literature tables at the county fair. If not, see if your donation or offer to volunteer can ensure that it is done.
If you have an waiting room at your place of business (a doctor’s office, salon, laundromat, et cetera) keep copies available for visitors to browse through.
Contact churches, pro-life groups, crisis pregnancy centers, and other like-minded organizations and ask them to work with you to place Hope and Healing as a paid advertising supplement in your community or college newspapers. For large orders, we can even provide a special edition with an advertisement listing contact information for the sponsoring organizations.
When organizations raises the funds to insert Hope and Healing into a community newspaper, we will provide Hope and Healing at cost, or even provide the artwork for you to print locally.
Typically, including printing, shipping and average insertions costs, groups have been able to distribute Hope and Healing to 100,000 homes for around $10,000. We can even offer tips on helping to raise the funds.
Hope and Healing has touched and changed many lives. With your help, it will touch more. Click here to learn more about why we must spread hope and healing.
4. Donate Books on Post-Abortion Issues to Your Local Libraries
Make sure Detrimental Effects of Abortion, activists and leaders and link to our web site. Don’t assume they already know this information! And don’t assume they are keeping on top of the latest developments. Send them copies of the articles and news releases you feel are most important.
These established leaders can be the most powerful educators in our community and churches, but only AFTER they have been educated about post-aboriton issues and strategies themselves! Many of them are already so deeply involved in promoting other messages that they have not had time or interest to devote to integrating into their work our pro-woman/pro-life message. Keep giving them copies of our special reports, brochures, books, or articles until they do.
You may also want to start educating your political leaders about your pro-woman/pro-life approach by giving them a copy of Reversing the Gender Gap so they can do a more effective job in protecting BOTH women and their unborn children.
The fact that you have personally taken the time to make encourage these leaders to learn more about post-abortion issues through this web site and our other printed resources can make a BIG difference. The faster leaders who “get on message,” the faster we will see progress. Thanks!
6. Write a “Letter to the Editor”
This is a highly effective way to educate the public and influence legislators about the effects of abortion. Click here for some excellent examples of powerful letters that you can use “as is” or modify.
It is especially helpful to keep an eye on current events and use an item in the news as a “news peg” for bringing in a relevent issue related to post-abortion healing, abortion complications, or the oppression of women by coerced abortions. Don’t forget to sign up for our email list so we can notify you immediately when there is such a “news peg” such as newly published research.
7. Help Nurture and Develop Post-Abortion Ministries
Consider supporting your local post-abortion ministries as a donor, volunteer, or board member. National ministries such as Rachel.s Vineyard Ramah International, and the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing can provide information about associated ministries in your area that could use your support.
8. Choose words with care.
Presumptions about “choice” can further wound already-broken hearts and lives.
Encourage others — especially leaders with a “bully pulpit” — to always first acknowledge widespread unwanted or unjustly coerced abortions and to avoid presuming — or using language that seems to presume — that someone’s abortion was a free, fair or fully informed “choice” or that they were offered meaningful support, protection of their rights or information about alternatives.
9. Urge Your Legislators to Advocate for Authentic Women’s Rights
Ask your legislator to protect women.s rights by requiring full disclosure, proper screening, and full liability for abortionists who kill or injure women. Model legislation and support documents consistent with this strategy is posted on our web site at here. Also, be sure they have a copy of the booklet Reversing the Gender Gap so they can do a more effective job in articulating why this legislation is so important for protecting women from dangerous, unnecessary, and unwanted abortions.
10. Stay Informed About New Research and Information
New research, strategies and initiatives are constantly being developed. Subscribe to both the Elliot Institute News. Subscribing to these resources will help you to see when and how you can get involved in more effective ways.
11. Even Your Change Can Make A Difference
By changing your long distance carrier (and paying only 4.9 cents per minute on long distance calls), 20%, 30%, or even 40% of your monthly bill will go into the Elliot Institute’s “trust fund.” Click here to learn more.
12. Support Post-Abortion Research, Education, and Advocacy
The Elliot Institute’s work is funded solely by the support of people like you. We have a small mailing list, so your donation makes a big difference. Please consider becoming a Sustaining Partner in our ministry by making a pledge for monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual donations. Mail donations to:
Elliot InstituteP.O. Box 7348-WBSpringfield, IL 62791
A great way to start is by subscribing to our newsletter more details
Are You a Pro-Woman/Pro-Life Champion?
Doing any 3 of the above 12 activities would mean that you are doing more to promote a consistent defense of both the rights of women and the rights of their unborn children than 99% of pro-life activitsts. In our book, that would make you a pro-woman/pro-life champion! May God richly bless you and all of your loved ones.
Let’s keep in touch and continue to work together to help both women and their children.