If You Show Her That You Care …
This post from 400 Words for Women blog sums up the situation in which so many women and girls find themselves, and the response we need to be offering:
at the
If you show her that you care …
… she won’t end up thinking that she has to “choose”.
We, as partners, family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and society need to stop burdening women with this impossible dilemma: “You have to choose between your life and your child’s life.” That’s all the opposite of progress, love and justice.
Women with unplanned pregnancies are scared, confused and have feelings that often change based on how well their pregnancy is received by their loved ones, employer etc…
Let’s show women that we care, let’s tell them that we’ll be there for them during pregnancy and after the child is born.
Let’s not put them in the sickening situation of choosing death for the child whose life has just begun.