If You Want to Protect Women’s Health, Abortion Isn’t the Answer
At Salon, Valerie Tarico lays out 10 reasons why she is “pro-abortion, not just pro-choice,” writing:
I’m pro-abortion because being able to delay and limit childbearing is fundamental to female empowerment and equality. A woman who lacks the means to manage her fertility lacks the means to manage her life.
She goes on to write that being able to delay or space childbearing is better for the health of mothers and babies.
I’m all for women — for couples — being able to plan their families in a way that protects the health and well-being of the mother and baby, as well as of the family. The difference is that we don’t need to do this by using chemicals and procedures that end the lives of unborn children and expose the mothers to the risk of physical and psychological harm (including a higher risk of death). Abortion does the opposite of what Tarico claims.
Learn More:
Higher Death Rates After Abortion Found in U.S., Finland and Denmark
Suicides After Abortion Remain High Despite Screening Guidelines
Women’s Suicide Rates Higher After Abortion: New Study
Most Studies Show Abortion Linked to Increased Mental Health Problems
Study Finds Abortion Provides No Mental Health Benefits to Women, Even When Pregnancy is Unwanted
Study: Women’s Suicide Rates Highest After Abortion
Study: Death Rates After Abortion Higher Than Previously Known
Congressional Hearing on Abortion’s Link to Suicide and Mental Illness Needed