Looking Ahead to 1993
Looking Ahead to 1993
Despite our very limited financial success this last year, with support from donors like yourself, I hope to hire a staff support person in 1993. In the last few weeks, a highly qualified candidate has come forward seeking to help us in our work. Her name is Ann Vogel, a nurse, and a victim of abortion herself. Ann feels called to do everything she can to educate others about the dangers of abortion to women and the humanity of the unborn child. She feels especially drawn to doing so through the Elliot Institute. Ann is full of enthusiasm and has already volunteered to help me in many small ways until such time as she can leave her present job and come to work for the Elliot Institute full time.
It is evidence of Ann’s devotion and generosity that she is willing to take more than a 50% cut in pay to do pro-life work. Ann is hoping to assist me during the next several months in raising enough money to pay her a salary of only about $17,000 per year. (She is seeking an after tax income of about $1000 per month to help her husband in supporting their family.) Including the employer’s expenses for social security contributions, unemployment tax, and insurance, the Elliot Institute would need to raise $22,500 to hire Ann.
Naturally, I am hesitant to encourage Ann to walk away from a secure job in the hope that she will be able to raise enough money to pay not only her salary, but eventually mine too. But I know that she would do a wonderful job writing education materials, grant proposals, fund raising, speaking, and assisting in medical research and data entry. In short, she would relieve me of many of the smaller but crucial tasks which distract me from our main objectives.
Please pray for Ann and her desire to work with us. If it is truly the Lord’s will, we are sure it will somehow come to pass.
— David C. Reardon
Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(1) Winter 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute