Search Results for: psychiatric

The Wounded Generation

by Victoria M. Thorn With over thirteen years of experience in post-abortion ministry, I continue to ask myself, “Who are the people who phone our office?” Their stories are so consistent-both in the pain they experience and in their feelings of abandonment. I believe we could better help these wounded people if we could better […]

Their Deepest Wound: An Analysis

By David Reardon Lorena Bobbitt’s abortion was unwanted. It violated her moral beliefs and signified the destruction of her dream to have a family just like the one in which she had grown up. It was an attack on her self-identity and her maternal self. By understanding how her abortion traumatized Lorena, we can understand […]

The John and Lorena Bobbitt Mystery, Unraveled

It was the trial of the decade. But the media frenzy over Lorena Bobbitt’s midnight mutilation of her husband John barely gave mention to a core piece of her testimony. She was a victim of forced abortion. Psychiatric experts for both the prosecution and defense agreed: her forced abortion contributed to post-traumatic stress disorder.

A Story of Destruction: the Testimony

David C. Reardon, Ph.D. In 1988, Lorena came to the United States on a visa with high hopes for becoming married and raising a family here. When this 19-year-old girl met the handsome John Wayne Bobbitt, sharply dressed in a Marine uniform, she was more than ready to believe that he was the beginning of […]

Women Who Abort: Their Reflections on Abortion

by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. Sit with me for a moment in the waiting room of an abortion clinic. Here you will find women who, in general, are neither philosophers nor fools–categories which admittedly include substantial overlap. Very few of these women have engaged in arcane debates about the meaning of “personhood.” Fewer still are […]

What Dr. Koop Could Have Reported

by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. While it is true that there was not, and still isn’t, any solid data for making any accurate estimate of how many women suffer from post-abortion psychological sequelae, there were three specific findings (readily substantiated by the literature available at that time) upon which to build valid conclusions and specific […]

Identifying High Risk Abortion Patients

While there is intense controversy regarding how many women experience post-abortion psychological problems, even pro-abortion researchers admit that at least some women are negatively effected. Moreover, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2008 Task Force on Mental Health and Abortion there are at least 15 risk factors that identify the women at greatest risk of […]

Trying to Survive

Trying to Survive Case Study: Judith Evans When I became pregnant for the fifth time in seven years, my doctor asked me if I really thought I should “continue the pregnancy.” Abortion had never occurred to me until he suggested it. I’m a former foster child. Conceived illegitimately, my father was forced to marry my […]

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