Pro-Woman / Pro-Life Campaign
Pro-Woman / Pro-Life Campaign
by David C. Reardon
We know that between 30 and 60 percent of abortion patients feel they are being pressured into unwanted abortions. This is just one fact which offers us a new way to appeal to all people of good will. It also offers us the means to expose the radical pro-abortionists who are the real enemies of “choice.”
It is our belief that most politicians don’t know how to handle the abortion issue to their best advantage. Candidates must learn to project themselves as both pro-woman and pro-life. This is done by emphasizing one’s knowledge of the dangers of abortion and the threat of women being coerced into unwanted abortions by others. We have a program to train individuals, including politicians and lobbyists, on how to debate the abortion issue from the pro-woman perspective. This program includes detailed evidence which shows that many women are being coerced or manipulated into unwanted abortions. Effective measures to protect women from unwanted abortions, and to increase clinic liablity for dangerous and unwanted abortions are fully detailed.
This approach breaks down the myth that pro-lifers care only about the unborn while “pro-choicers” care about women. More importantly, this approach forces our opponents to clarify their position: Are they really for women’s rights? Or are they only concerned about protecting the abortion industry?
This strategy complements the push for informed consent legislation and efforts to expand the rights of women to recover damages from clinics for the psychological aftereffects of abortion. All these issues can be presented in a way which shows that our opponents place women’s rights second to the profits of the abortion industry.
If you would like to arrange for a training seminar on the pro-woman/pro-life strategy, please contact us.
To Pro-Life Organizations:
We have launched an educational column that we call “Pro-Life Visions.” The column deals with a broad range of pro-life issues, but deals especially with the issue of abortion’s negative effects on women.
If you would like samples of this column for possible use as filler for your newsletter, please send a self addressed stamped envelope to the Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791. The cost is variable depending on frequency of use and the size of the publication. If guest columns don’t fit into your budget, an exchange for advertising space may be negotiated. We are also willing to write articles to suit a publication’s particular needs.
Originally published in The Post-Abortion Review 1(1) Winter 1993. Copyright 1993 Elliot Institute