You know someone who is living with this secret pain.
You can help them, and yourself, by reading this book.
The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
Theresa Burke, Ph.D.,
with David C. Reardon, Ph.D.
It's time to move beyond the
politics of abortion.
For more than 30 years, our nation has argued about abortion. In that
time, over 30 million women have had one or more abortions.
While the political battle rages, little has been done to address the
emotional needs of those who struggle with feelings of grief, shame, guilt,
feeling judged by others—and more. Instead, social taboos stifle discussion
of abortion-related feelings. Women are left feeling isolated, and their
recovery is inhibited.
Forbidden Grief is a compelling,
haunting review of Dr. Theresa Burke's experience in counseling hundreds
of women for abortion-related emotional problems. Dr. Burke exposes the
obstacles in the way of post-abortion healing, reviews the full range and
depth of post-abortion adjustment problems, and illustrates how we can
create a more understanding and healing society where women will no longer
be required to hide their pain.
It's time to listen and
Learn the secrets that women who have had abortions tell only to their
therapists, but want everyone to understand.
Understand how traumatic abortion experiences can be reenacted through
repeat pregnancies, multiple abortions, substance abuse, eating disorders,
and broken relationships.
Discover how to help loved ones—or yourself—take the steps needed to find
healing and joy.
Learn to Look Deeper.
Abortion causes conflict. It fragments political parties, churches,
schools, and neighborhoods. It divides families. Husband against wife.
Mother against daughter. Sister against sister.
These conflicts reflect the discord that also occurs within individuals.
After abortion, many women face a daily internal battle between condemning
and defending themselves.
Psychotherapist Theresa Burke, Ph.D., has specialized in treating women
struggling with post-abortion issues through individual counseling and
group therapy sessions since 1986. Many of the women she treated had been
rebuffed by other therapists who would not believe their abortions had
caused such trauma. Others came to her because their family and friends
refused to acknowledge the reality of their grief.
In Forbidden Grief, Dr. Burke
explores the cultural and psychological obstacles to post-abortion healing.
She examines why friends and families erect walls of silence around a loved
one's grief and reveals how we can and should listen to those who are struggling
with past abortions.
Drawing on the experience and insights of hundreds of her clients, Dr.
Burke shows how repressed feelings may be acted out through self-destructive
behavior, broken relationships, obsessions, eating disorders, parenting
difficulties, and other emotional or behavioral problems.
Forbidden Grief also explains
how to help loved ones, or yourself, simply by better understanding the
nature and origin of unresolved abortion issues—and what steps will help
you find healing. You'll also learn about the most up-to-date research
on abortion problems, and the inside story of the fight within the psychiatric
community over recognizing post-abortion trauma.
Order your copy today and find out how you
can help bring healing, peace and hope to our nation!
About the Authors
Theresa Burke, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist and founder of Rachel's
Vineyard, a post-abortion training and healing ministry that annually
serves thousands of women and couples throughout North America and overseas.
David C. Reardon, Ph.D., is one of the nation's leading researchers
and authors on post-abortion issues and the founding director of the Elliot
Table of Contents
READ the Introduction
Readers are Raving about Forbidden
"A strong, thoughtful, and compassionate revelation." -- Dr. Laura Schlessinger,
syndicated radio host
"Insightful...an astute integration of experience, research, and testimonies.
Those of us who have faced this 'forbidden grief' can be thankful for Burke
and Reardon's beautifully written book. It lights the way for women and
men who seek understanding, healing, and peace." -- Susan Stanford-Rue,
Ph.D., psychologist and author of Will I Cry Tomorrow?
"Wonderfully and clearly written, full of stories that grip the attention...Forbidden
Grief stands to become a classic on many levels: as a source
of self discovery for the millions of women who have had abortions, as
a learning experience for all the other lay readers, as a textbook for
psychotherapists, and as a source of insight and research design for policy
analysts who ponder the effects on society.”--Dr. Patrick F. Fagan, former
Deputy Assistant Director, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
"Once in a while a rare book comes along that wrenches every nerve in our
bodies and seeks out every crevice of our souls. This is one of those books,
and it must be read from cover to cover.” -- Diane Irving, Ph.D.
“An exceptional book. . .It is essential reading for social workers and
other mental health professionals.” --Tim Brandyberry, MSSW
“An outstanding book . . .Highly recommended for those who counsel." --
Dr. Paul C. Vitz
"Every page of this book is filled with profound insights into the mind
and emotions of those who have been wounded by abortion. . . . Every counselor,
every member of the clergy, and every citizen concerned about how abortion
is harming people needs to read this book." -- Fr. Frank Pavone
"As you read Forbidden Grief
you cannot help but mourn with these women for their missing children.
You cannot deny the aftermath of abortion, or the need for hope and healing."
-- Serrin Foster, President, Feminists for Life
"I had an abortion when I was 16 and struggled with the aftermath for 19
years. This eye-opening book offers the general public a clear picture
of the everyday realities of the post-abortion experience. Most importantly,
it gives women permission to face and resolve their feelings of loss, ambivalence,
guilt, or grief." -- Georgette Forney, post-abortion counselor
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