Abortion Fundraiser Rolls Another Gutterball for Women

Annual Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon Raises $468,000 in Another Strike Against Women and Children

The National Network of Abortion Funds — representing over 100 grassroots groups — once again took aim at bowling pins, babies and mothers in yet another misguided attempt to “help” women.

Advocates of legal abortion are once again “helping” women by tuning out a growing body of evidence about unwanted abortions and other exploitation, the abuse and scars that legal abortion has inflicted on women, and the lives of unborn babies and mothers lost as a result of abortion.

This includes evidence that most abortions involve coercion, plus further evidence of negligent, unsafe and profit-driven medical practices, followed by a long list of heartbreaking emotional and physical risks, including infertility, trauma and maternal death. In light of this growing body of evidence that is now challenging presumptions in medical, legal, judicial and other arenas, the word “help” is ironic at best.

And, disturbing as they are, these statistics do not include “pre-abortion” trauma or deaths from pregnancy-related violence, “botched abortions” or situations in which under-regulated, inappropriately staffed or publicity-shy abortion clinics may be slow to call for an ambulance when “complications” arise.

In some cases, the fund will help pay for travel and lodging expenses as well as the abortion. In addition to paving the way for untold risks and heartbreak, the fundraiser coins “clever” team names that only add to the mockery of what really happens before, during and after abortion.

The event uses slogans like “Strike Hyde Nationwide” to motivate participants. The tagline references the embattled Hyde Amendment to federal spending legislation. The rider limits, but does not eliminate, taxpayer funding for abortion through Medicaid and related programs.

Team names reflect the abortion industry’s well-marketed, but deceptive, and often callous and ironic spin. They include, the “Coat Hangers,” “Pelvic Politics,” “Slip Me a Mife,” “Back-Alley Bowlers,” “Reptilian Rollers,” “Champions for Choice,” “Justice for All,” “Sin City Sirens,” “Diaper Pins,” and “Operation Not Mothers.”

The Good News: Truth Trumps Gimmicks

The event has proven to be a heart-breakingly lucrative fundraising tactic, but exposing the truth about unwanted abortions, negligent or coercive medical practices, and under-reported but still highly significant maternal death rates will expose legal abortion’s tragic toll on the fundamental rights and lives of BOTH babies and mothers.

By steadfastly adhering to these fundamental truths we — not “Pelvic Politics” — will prevail.

Evidence-based, user-friendly educational resources:
Share these materials, based on research from the Elliot Institute et. al., to educate others about abortion’s danger to the rights and lives of women and children:


4 thoughts on “Abortion Fundraiser Rolls Another Gutterball for Women

  1. I seldom listen to radio. I think TV might spread message much further and to more people. Which radio stations do you mention these topics on? I did by chance turn on a religious TV station where some of this was mentioned. Many people don’t listen to religious channels. We need to do a program on some mainstream channels.
    I think that would make a greater impact.

  2. Time to get a radio and TV program about Women’s Reproductive Rights with emphasis on unwanted abortions and consequences. Somebody’s got to counteract pro-abortion propaganda that permeates media and brainwashes public. Maybe pro-abortionists and clinics will change their advertisements and practices.

    1. Good idea. In the meantime, we have :30 and :60 radio spots that address these issues, plus other broadcast tools coming soon. Any individual or civic, school or church groups can use these free of charge to help get the word out with little or no expense.

      Run them as free “PSA” ads or affordable paid ads on local stations. Share them via social media. Ask local — especially family-friendly stations — to run them as free Public Service Announcements (PSAs). Or, local groups can do fundraising to run the ads during popular programs or “drive time” when commuters or other “background” listeners will hear them.

      Learn more, listen to, forward or download the free ads (or forward them to your station rep once arrangements are made) at: http://www.theunchoice.com/radio.htm

  3. For two years now, I have been standing with local residents outside of a bowling alley, which is being used to facilitate the end of life for the annual bowl-a-thon conducted by the National Network of Abortion Funds. I also found that informing the customers (using the Elliot Institute information) this year, prior to this year’s Third Annual Bowl-a-thon for Abortion Access event, has obviously gotten back to the manager of the bowling alley. Half way through the bowling event, the local police officer said that we could not stand on the public sidewalk in front of the bowling alley. In calling the city manager, I was told that there had been a misunderstanding’. Well, I will be filling a formal complaint so that next year…and there will be another Bowl-al-thon campaign next April… I will have a piece of paper that will allow us to continue to inform the community of what is going on inside that bowling alley. I encourage pro-life people to stand in the gap at your local blowing alley. Bowling alleys are to celebrate life, not to facilitate the end of life and injure women.

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