
Special Report on “Selective Reduction” Abortions: The Impact on Parents and Families

A recent New York Times Magazine story has highlighted the controversy surrounding “selective reduction” — in which a multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets or more) is “reduced” by aborting some of the babies before birth. Multiple pregnancies are a common result of in vitro fertilization, since clinics may implant multiple embryos in an effort to increase […]

Abortion, Depression and the Impact on Later Children

— As a new study finds brain changes in children whose mothers were depressed, we examine the research on abortion’s impact on subsequent children. Recently, researchers at the University of Montreal found that children whose mothers were depressed had changes in their brains. From the article at Researchers think that brains are sensitive to […]

Read Our Special Reports

Below you will find links to our special reports and editions of our e-newsletter that focus on specific issues. Please read, share and use this information to help educate yourself and others. Want more information like this? Get the latest news, commentary and articles, along with lots of free educational resources for your own use, […]

Prenatal Testing and Abortion

The Impact on Parents and Families “In advanced industrial countries, prenatal testing in order to detect fetal abnormalities has become routine,” as researchers Elizabeth Ring Cassidy and Ian Gentles of The deVeber Institute note below. In many cases, it is assumed — even expected — that diagnosis of a disability or genetic disorder will lead […]

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