Search Results for: psychiatric

Trying to Survive By Judith Evans

Trying to Survive By Judith Evans My childhood was brutal. I was abandoned by my father when I was two-and-a-half. Then when he reappeared in my life again at the age of eight, it became worse. I survived incest, starvation, and beatings. I clung to life. It was the two abortions I had that nearly […]

JAMA GYMNASTICS: Jumping Through Hoops to Prove Abortion is Safe

By David C. Reardon, Ph.D. The American Medical Association has long supported legal abortion. Indeed, since 1972, the AMA’s amicus briefs to the Supreme Court have generously provided Justice Harry Blackmun and his cohorts with a “medical” justification for abortion on demand. The crux of this “medical” justification is the claim that abortion is “safe” […]

What Dr. Koop Could Have Reported

What Dr. Koop Could Have Reported David C. Reardon While it is true that there was not, and still isn’t, any solid data for making any accurate estimate of how many women suffer from post-abortion psychological sequelae, there were three specific findings (readily substantiated by the literature available at that time) upon which to build […]

Limitations on Post-Abortion Research: Why We Know So Little

David C. Reardon , Ph.D. While there have been many studies regarding the emotional aftermath of abortion, very little has been firmly established. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to complete a study in this field that would be generally conclusive and above reproach. Among other complications, (1) the cooperation of the study population […]

Psychological Reactions Reported After Abortion

This survey instrument was distributed to women who had contact with WEBA, Victims of Choice, and Last Harvest Ministries. The latter two organizations used it as an intake form for women inquiring about post-abortion counseling or crisis pregnancy counseling. Compared to women who received the questionnaire from these latter two sources, the 111 participants from […]

Redirect A List of Major Psychological Reactions to Abortion

Redirect A List of Major Psychological Sequelae of Abortion REQUIREMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT: In a study of post-abortion patients only 8 weeks after their abortion, researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor. […]

Women Who Abort: Their Reflections on the Unborn

Sit with me for a moment in the waiting room of an abortion clinic. Here you will find women who, in general, are neither philosophers nor fools–categories which admittedly include substantial overlap. Very few of these women have engaged in arcane debates about the meaning of “personhood.” Fewer still are so foolish as to believe […]

The Abortion Suicide Connection

The Abortion/Suicide Connection David C. Reardon, Ph.D. In the 1960’s, when abortions were available only for “therapeutic” reasons, it was not uncommon for persons with the means and know-how to obtain an abortion on psychiatric grounds. In some states, all that was necessary was to find an agreeable psychiatrist willing to diagnose every woman with […]

A Detailed Survey of Post-Abortion Psychological Reactions

Following a previous survey focusing on the reasons women have abortions (published in Aborted Women, Silent No More, results here) the following survey was developed to look more carefully at the specific emotional reactions to abortion.  The following results are also published in Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion. This survey instrument was distributed […]

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