Search Results for: psychiatric

Pro-Choice Researchers Recognize PAS

Pro-Choice Researchers Recognize PAS Half a Million Women May Suffer From Post-Abortion Syndrome Pro-choice researchers writing in the August issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry have acknowledged that some women experience post-abortion syndrome (PAS). The research team, led by Dr. Brenda Major, diagnosed PAS among 1.4 percent of a sample of women who had […]

How Bush Can be BOTH Pro-Life and Pro-Woman

By David C. Reardon, Ph.D. “What is your position on abortion?” Since she already knew his answer, Barbara Walters’ voice echoed tones of both pity and glee. Governor George W. Bush was about to be exposed as an enemy of “choice.” “I’m pro-life,” Bush answered. Then silence. Walters allowed the conversation to hang for a […]

Pro-choice Researchers Acknowledge Existence of Postabortion Syndrome

Study Results Show Half a Million Women Affected by Post-Abortion Syndrome Springfield, IL (August 24, 2000) — Pro-choice researchers writing in the August issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry have acknowledged that some women experience post-abortion syndrome (PAS). The research team, led by Dr. Brenda Major, diagnosed PAS among 1.4 percent of a sample […]

Abortion Four Times Deadlier Than Childbirth

New Studies Unmask High Maternal Death Rates From Abortion Abortion advocates, relying on inaccurate maternal death data in the United States, routinely claim that a woman’s risk of dying from childbirth is six, ten, or even twelve times higher than the risk of death from abortion. In contrast, abortion critics have long contended that the […]

Abortion Linked to Subsequent Substance Abuse

3/13/2000 Springfield, IL (March 13, 2000)–Women who have an abortion are five times more likely to report subsequent substance abuse compared to women who carry to term, according to a study published in the latest issue of the prestigious American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. The study was authored by Elliot Institute director Dr. […]

Trying to Survive

Judith Evans My childhood was brutal. I was abandoned by my father when I was two-and-a-half. Then when he reappeared in my life again at the age of eight, it became worse. I survived incest, starvation, and beatings. I clung to life. It was my two abortions that nearly destroyed me. When I became pregnant […]

How to Follow Up with Editors to Place Hope and Healing

Persuading the Editor to Accept Hope and Healing Use these arguments in your follow-up letter to persuade newspaper staff to accept Hope and Healing as an advertising supplement: Journalistic Ethics Arguments Campus newspapers that engage in fair journalistic practices help to create a learning experience for the student body, promote freedom of speech, and encourage […]

Illegal Abortions: The Myth and the Cure

By David C. Reardon, Ph.D. Polls show that while 80 percent of Americans agree that abortion is killing a human life, most also believe abortion should be legally accessible, at least in some cases. Many of these people accept abortion as an “evil necessity.” Others tolerate it as an “unavoidable evil.” They buy into the […]

David C. Reardon, Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch David C. Reardon, Ph.D. David C. Reardon, Ph.D., director of the Elliot Institute, is widely recognized as one of the leading experts on the aftereffects of pregnancy loss on women. He is the author of numerous books and popular and scholarly articles on this topic, including the most comprehensive summary of the medical […]

New Explanation for Bobbitt Mutilation Points to Abortion

Tenth Anniversary of Bobbitt Mutilation Brings New Answers Springfield, IL (January 9, 2004) — Ten years ago, on January 10, 1994, Lorena Bobbitt went on trial for the “malicious wounding” of her husband’s penis with an eight-inch kitchen knife. After an eleven day trial, she was acquitted on grounds of temporary insanity. On the tenth […]

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