Search Results for: psychiatric

Postpartum Mental Health Study Flawed by Fetal Loss Omission

2/5/16 A series of studies on post-partum mental health from Denmark have demonstrated diligent efforts to conceal the negative effects of abortion on women’s mental health, according to an article published in the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. The research team, led by Trine Munk-Olsen, specializes in analyses of Denmark’s national medical records, especially […]

Planned Parenthood Is Guilty of Negligent Screening

For Immediate Release December 29, 2015 By David C. Readon, Ph.D. Congressional hearings into Planned Parenthood should look beyond the deceptive fetal tissue donation forms they ask women to sign. These misleading disclosure forms typify a larger pattern of deception and exploitation. An even more shocking abuse lies in the fact that Planned Parenthood abortionists […]

Couple Sues Over Botched Abortion That Led to Hysterectomy

12/8/15 A Nebraska couple has filed a lawsuit against a Colorado abortion business over an incomplete abortion that led to a hysterectomy, The Denver Post is reporting: Jennifer and Jason DeBuhr of Auburn, Neb., have filed a lawsuit against Dr. Warren Hern and the Boulder Abortion Clinic seeking more then $75,000 damages, claiming the doctor […]

Study Claiming Women Don’t Regret Abortions Deeply Flawed and Deceptive

7/15/2015 “This Study Should End The Debate About Whether Women Regret Having Abortions,” reads the headline from ThinkProgress. The study, published in the journal PLoS One, claims that 95 percent of women having abortions do not have regrets afterward. From the study: Women experienced decreasing emotional intensity over time, and the overwhelming majority of women […]

“Between a Woman and Her Doctor” is Just a Myth

By Theresa Bonopartis Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, when recently questioned about what limits should be placed on abortion, sidestepped the question, repeating the old familiar mantra, “A women’s right to make her own decisions about her body should be between her and her doctor.” I’m accustomed to the deft use of words by pro-abortion extremists […]

Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Information, Resources and Hope

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Sadly, most unborn children diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted — often after parents are given poor information and pressured or coerced to abort by medical staff.  Most people also don’t know about the negative impact that such abortions can also have on parents and families. As one mother […]

Is Late Term Abortion Ever Necessary?

By Mary L. Davenport, M.D., FACOG The following article was published in 2010 by the American Association of Prolife Ob-Gyns [AAPLOG]. In the aftermath of the killing of George Tiller, the Kansas abortionist, on May 31, 2009, we have heard praises of his compassion and courage in performing late-term abortions. According to NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, […]

On World Down Syndome Day: Resources and Hope

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Sadly, most unborn children diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted  — often after parents are given poor information and pressured to abort by medical staff. Most people don’t know about the negative impact of such abortions on the parents. Here are some articles on prenatal testing, abortion and the […]

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