Search Results for: psychiatric

Abortion Side Effects | Abortion Dangers – After Abortion

Physical Side Effects Associated With Abortion Printable Fact Sheets Psychological Complications More articles on abortion complications Approximately 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major.19 However the majority of complications take time to develop and will not be apparent for days, months or even years. Negative psychological […]

Dr. Coleman Responds to Abortion Research Controversy

By Dr. Priscilla Coleman Over the past few days there has been a great deal of press concerning a peer-reviewed article I published in 2009 with co-authors Dr. Catherine Coyle, Dr. Vincent Rue, and Dr. Martha Shuping in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. The analyses in this paper employed data from the National Comorbidity Survey […]

Elliot Institute News Archives

Read the back issues of our email newsletter, The Elliot Institute News. Sign up for our free e-mail list to get the timely and important information on research, commentary, educational resources and more. Simply fill out your name and email address on the “Stay Informed, Join Our List” form to the right. 2013 Archives 2012 […]

Wantedness and Coercion

Key Factors in Understanding Women’s Mental Health After Abortion Martha Shuping, M.D. Dr. Shuping presented this article at a United Nations workshop in March 2011, and at the June 2011 meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research on Values and Social Change. In 1973, as a 19-year-old undergraduate student, I worked as a volunteer at […]

Abortion and Mental Health Deniers’ Attack and Distract Strategy

Ad Hominem Attacks, Guilt by Association, Shifting Standards, Avoiding Simple Truths A Commentary by David C. Reardon, Ph.D. The abortion and mental health controversy shifted into high gear following the recent publication in The British Journal of Psychiatry of a meta-analysis review that combined results of 22 studies and reported that women who have abortions are 81 […]

Sign this Petition for Congressional Hearings on Abortion and Mental Health

Below is a petition to U.S. Representatives Chris Smith (NJ-04) and Dan Lipinski (IL-. 03),  Co-Chairs of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-life Caucus, asking for congressional hearings on the issue of abortion and mental health. Please sign this petition and share the link to this page with your friends, family and colleagues.  We will follow up […]

Most Studies Show Abortion Linked To Increased Mental Health Problems

Women Cope with Delivery of Unplanned Pregnancy Better than Abortion Springfield,IL (September 1, 2011) – Women who have abortions are 81 percent more likely to experience subsequent mental health problems, according to a new study published by Britain’s Royal College of Psychiatrists. The greatest increases were seen in relation to suicidal behaviors and substance abuse. […]

Abortion, Depression and the Impact on Later Children

— As a new study finds brain changes in children whose mothers were depressed, we examine the research on abortion’s impact on subsequent children. Recently, researchers at the University of Montreal found that children whose mothers were depressed had changes in their brains. From the article at Researchers think that brains are sensitive to […]

Former Abortion Facility Worker Tells Her Story

LiveAction has posted the story of Jewels Green, a woman who underwent a coerced abortion at 17 and later spent several years working at an abortion facility in Pennsylvania.  Here’s an excerpt: “My first baby would be 22 this week. “I was a 17-year-old drug-using high school drop-out, but when the lady wearing scrubs told […]

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