Search Results for: psychiatric

Targeting “Excess” Children: Risks of Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction

Infertility Treatments and the Problem of “Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction” Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy and Ian Gentles Just as reproductive technologies have changed obstetrical practice, so too have they led to a type of abortion which affects a different population of pregnant women from those who do not want to be pregnant. These women have waited and planned […]

Women Need More Mental Health Treatment After Abortion, New Study Finds

Elliot Institute Study Shows Higher Treatment Rates Persist Over Four Years Six months after her abortion, Jane had a mental breakdown. When she later delivered a healthy son, unresolved grief over her abortion contributed to severe post-partum psychosis. “I remember wanting to throw him out the window of the hospital room,” she later told her […]

New Study Shows Abortion Death Rate Much Higher Than Previously Known

Elliot Institute Research Has Major Implications For Women’s Health, Abortion Politics Springfield IL (August 12, 2002) – A study published in the August edition of the Southern Medical Journal reveals that women who have abortions are at significantly higher risk of death than women who give birth. Researchers examined death records linked to Medi-Cal payments for births […]

Abortion Increases Women’s Mortality Rate

New Study Shows Women’s Death Rate Following Abortion Much Higher than Previously Known Springfield, IL (August 2, 2002)–A study published in the August edition of the Southern Medical Journal reveals that women who have abortions are at significantly higher risk of near and long term death than women who give birth. This contradicts the widely […]

Five Common Methods of Unhealthy Post-Abortion Coping and Their Spiritual Consequences

Suppression The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by intentionally avoiding thinking about disturbing problems, wishes, feelings or experiences. Some Symptoms: Substance abuse, increased anxiety, promiscuity, compulsion to keep busy and distracted. Some Spiritual Consequences: Running from the truth; difficulty in participating in church activities or organizations; avoidance of contemplation; avoidance […]

The Protective Effects of Childbirth

By Amy R. Sobie One of the population controllers’ favorite techniques is to portray pregnancy as dangerous, burdensome and demeaning to women. Some have labeled it an “epidemic,” or a “disease.”(1) At a Planned Parenthood conference, for example, one speaker described abortion as an “effective treatment” for “the number two sexually transmitted disease”–unplanned pregnancy.(2) But […]

Detrimental Effects of Adolescent Abortion

By Amy R. Sobie and David C. Reardon, Ph.D. About 20 percent of all abortions taking place in the U.S. today are performed on teens.(1) Teenage abortion has been linked to a number of physical and psychological problems, including drug and alcohol abuse,(2) suicide attempts and suicidal ideation,(3) and other self-destructive behaviors. Compared to women […]

Studies Document the Physical and Emotional Aftereffects of Abortion

[Update: This article was initially published in 2000. For the latest information about studies on the impact of abortion, see our research and news releases pages.] Population controllers have long insisted that abortion is healthier for women than childbirth. A host of studies examining the effects of abortion, however, have proved otherwise. Women who have abortions […]

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