We Need Your Ideas for A Church Awareness Event

We are really excited about the next phase of our Church Awareness Project!

We are planning a special awareness event for churches — and we need your ideas.

The event would be an “Awareness Day” (or week) to highlight in churches the issues of unwanted and coerced abortions, the spiritual and emotional wounds caused by abortion, and the need for support for those who are at risk of abortion or have already been hurt by it.

We especially want to encourage pastors and other church leaders to teach and preach on these issues on a chosen Sunday or other day.

So … here’s where you come in!

We want your ideas and thoughts about this event. What should we call it? What issues do you think need to be addressed in our churches? When should we hold it?

Give us your feedback! And, if you haven’t done so already, join the Church Awareness Project by filling out the form at the right. This will get you signed up to receive the latest news, updates, free resources and information about events like this).

You can also get your family members, friends, fellow pro-lifers and others concerned about these issues to get involved too. Tell them about the Church Awareness Project and encourage them to join the project.

We look forward to getting lots of feedback from you!

Thank you for your help!

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11 Responses to We Need Your Ideas for A Church Awareness Event

  1. Allan Parker says:

    Having a post abortive , healed woman share the pain of abortion is a powerful weapon for awareness, prevention of future abortions, and healing for those who have had one. Operation Outcry would be very happy to assist you to find a woman willing to speak in your church. Go to http://www.operationoutcry.org. Thank you for all the good work you do at the Elliot institute

  2. Rechelle Brown says:

    How about “Not My Choice – The Truth About Forced and Coerced Abortions”

  3. Someone on Facebook suggested holding a special remembrance for individuals and families who lost a child through abortion, miscarriage, suicide, illness and/or pregnancy-related or other violence. This would make it easier for those directly or indirectly involved in abortion to come without being singled out before they may be ready to witness or openly share their story.

    Many parents among us think abortion is just a “political” debate and don’t realize their own daughters and loved ones – especially younger women or families vulnerable to coercion – are at risk of coercion and aftereffects that can include serious depression, trauma, life-threatening physical injury or even death from all causes, including but not limited to suicide.

    Families among us have lost not just an unborn child or grandchild but a daughter. Others have daughters who may be hiding coercion or post-abortion issues. Still others may have daughters at risk who need to know this is an urgent concern in our own midst.

  4. Lori Shaffer says:

    I am a post-abortion women and I have worked at a CPC for over 10 years and value the work and research being conducted by the Elliot Institute. Keep up the good work! God bless you:)

  5. Avis Pings says:

    The above plan sounds very doable.
    Suggestions on how to proceed is needed.

  6. Jeanene says:

    How about Abortion Awareness Day or Week?
    Thank you so much for what you are doing!
    I look forward to receiving your information, and sharing it with my Pastors.

  7. Lover of Mary says:

    I think the idea to connect abortion, miscarriage, sucide, illness and or pregnancy-related violence is a good idea. Do a small program on the 27th of this month, as requested by the pope. Start with prayers of pardon to GOD the FATHER move on to stories as known about in each church area of people and problems followed by a small procession to the altar or the Statue of Mary where roses are placed at her feet or at the foot of the altar. Do a prayer request with names, places or events. Add music that is of songs that are uniting and healing. This all can be said or sung by one person or by all present. A rosary and a follow up prayer to OUR Blessed Virgin Mary using this phrase ” Oh Radient Lilly of the ever Blessed Trinity, Oh resplendent Rose of Heavenly charm” take our imperfect prayers and petitions and make them perfect as only you can before offering them up to your dear SON JESUS, please ask your dear SON to co-mingle them with HIS passion and death on the Cross before offering them to GOD the FATHER. Pray for all the unborn killed and all suffering for a healing and peace.

  8. Monde M.C. Imasiku says:

    Need to form write up on Pro-life to appear on church newsletters every Sunday or an annoucement. Could quote if known number of abortion coercised in that week just to

    Putting an article in the church newsletter every Sunday on information on prolife and dangers of abortion making reference to the Human Vitae church teachings, with each town probably having task to reflect number of abortions conducted during each of the week under review inorder to give an overview of how many lifes stopped.

    Alternatively little positive leaflets can be developed distributed every Sunday of any suitable day of church, to help spread the word on prolife issues also quoting dangers.

    The memeorial can be selected and put in the liturgical church calender with vigil mass probably follow up to 27th Nov 2010 the Pope will celebrate. That day talks and testimonies can be conducted based on church programmes. But infusing it as one of Liturgical parish programme i like in month of Nov as will suit for when we think of our departed.

  9. by singling out the most affected group like high school students,those groups in which we can find them like ycs and others we can make a change.above let us create an awareness on sexuality which will these young people understand that life start at conception.

  10. Betsy Kopor says:

    April has already been designated as Abortion Recovery Awareness Month. It would be a great time to plan an event.

  11. Mary Ann Chimera says:

    How about an “Abortion Healing Sunday (or Week)?:

    We all need healing from abortion:
    Abortion survivors need healing from a harrowing experience and knowledge that they are responsible for their baby’s death ,
    The baby’s father needs healing for his part in the abortion and/or his helplessness to prevent it.
    Those who coerced abortions need healing for their part in the tragedy.
    Families need healing for their absent member.
    The general public needs healing for our absent members.
    Congregations need healing.

    Putting the emphasis on healing brings awareness that healing is needed, even among those who call themselves “pro-choice,” perhaps especially them.

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