The Church Awareness Project to be officially launched today features a letter to pastors encouraging them and others to speak out about pre-abortion and post-abortion issues. Participants will also receive planning, publicity and help/healing kits with a unique focus that stems from important evidence-based research.
The Planning Kit will include a powerful new full-page bulletin insert, ad or flyer focusing on forced abortion in America. Many people on all sides of this issue still don’t realize that most abortions involve coercion or that forced abortions happen close to home. Raising awareness of the deceptive nature of “choice” arguments in a world where coercion is the norm, is an important prelude to post-abortion discussions.
Participants are encouraged to forward all or part of these resources to their pastors and to their pro-life committees, local outreach groups and other advocates.
This illumination of new evidence presents a unique opportunity to combine evidence-based science with real-time compassion, advocacy and outreach for those at risk of unwanted abortions or those already hurt by abortion.
This information – presented in user-friendly form – provides a non-judgmental way to raise awareness that abortion endangers the rights and lives of both the unborn and women; to open doors; and to break down the walls which too often prevent post-abortion healing.
Watch for the new forced abortion flyer, plus easy project ideas suitable for individuals or groups, and supporting materials to use or share.