About the Church Awareness Project

The Church Awareness Project was developed by the Elliot Institute to educate and motivate pastors, church leaders, and people of faith about important abortion and post-abortion issues. We seek to foster faith communities that are truly both pro-woman and pro-life, and where the rights and dignity of unborn children, mothers, fathers and families are upheld and protected.

The goals of this outreach are:

  • to share The Jericho Plan and other resources with pastors as guides to educate, encourage and help them teach and preach about abortion in a compassionate way;
  • to raise awareness about unwanted, coerced or forced abortion and post-abortion issues within our churches and faith communities;
  • to mobilize pastors and churches to learn more and to speak out about abortion and related issues and reach out to individuals and families at risk or hurt;
  • to advocate for the authentic rights of unborn children and their mothers and fathers, and to increase support in our churches so that they know help is available;
  • to offer support, help and healing for those who are at risk or already directly or indirectly affected by abortion.

Share a free copy of The Jericho Plan with your pastor

As part of this outreach, we’re offering a free pdf copy of The Jericho Plan, an expert guide to help pastors and others to better understand these issues and how to teach and preach about abortion in a unifying way. This includes sharing evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, as well as talking about the spiritual and emotional wounds caused by abortion.

Individuals, pastors and preachers, and church and ministry leaders of all faiths are encouraged to join. Visit here to learn more about how you can join the project and get a free digital copy of the book and other resources to mobilize your church and faith community.

If you haven’t joined the Church Awareness Project yet, sign up to receive the free Church Leader’s Kit for yourself, your pastor or church leaders, and others in your faith community.

Learn more about our annual April outreach during:

Coerced Abortion Awareness Week

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2 Responses to About This Project

  1. nancy monette says:

    I cannot download nor send a huge file to my pastor.
    Can I please receive the information in a packet of regular mail?

    Thank you.


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