Most abortions involve coercion. What we can do.

If you follow the work of the Elliot Institute (sponsor of this outreach), you’ve heard the convention-defying evidence about abortion’s multifaceted assault on babies, mothers and families.

However, most in the public and many in our church communities, still don’t know that:

  1. Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. (Not all, not some, but most.)
  2. Coercion comes in many places, faces and forms.
  3. Forced Abortion in America is also real, yet rarely reported.
  4. Before or after abortion, women, are being subjected to unwanted abortions and abuse, and traumatized, maimed and heartbroken over their loss. Many mothers are literally or figuratively dying, too.

This is deeply troubling, but there is much we can do to light the darkness:

  1. We can educate those in our churches and in the public about pre-abortion and post-abortion assaults on the rights, hearts, souls and lives of both the unborn and women, plus countless teens, men, families and society affected.
  2. We can reach those being coerced or forced into unwanted abortions and save babies, moms, dads and families exploited today.
  3. We can help those still at risk while also removing some of the stigma blocking true compassion, healing, restoration, and open discussion of these issues.
  4. We can share a message of hope, forgiveness and God’s mercy for individuals or groups directly or indirectly involved in an abortion.

See the list below for respectfully presented, evidence-based resources suitable for use in public audiences or in churches. (Resources include legal help for teens, women and families being coerced (this is illegal, even under current lax abortion laws) or post-abortion help for those already hurt.)

If you haven’t already, join this outreach (See sign-up box to the right or below) and get a free kit, for yourself and to share with other leaders and members of your faith community. Your sign-up kit includes a free e-book version of The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing, by David C. Reardon, Ph.D., director of the Elliot Institute, the nation’s leading provider of research, education and outreach regarding abortion’s impact. When you join, you’ll also receive Portraits of Coercion and 3 personal testimonies, plus future updates, news, research and outreach opportunities.

Other helpful evidence-based outreach resources:

Join the Outreach!

If you haven’t already, join this outreach. (Use the sign-up box on the right or below)  Educate and motivate the church! Post your thoughts here and use these resources close to home. And, as always, pray, and share this list of pro-woman/pro-life/pro-family prayer intentions.


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2 Responses to Most abortions involve coercion. What we can do.

  1. Pingback: Outreach to Mothers in Need! | Pro-Life Politics For Praying People

  2. Anna J. Stites says:

    this might be a good idea. I hope that they will stop this abortion. Many fetus are killed already. For me doing an abortion is the same of killing person 🙁 .

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